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Reexamining the Contribution of Public Health Efforts to the Decline in Urban Mortality: Comment
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-01 , DOI: 10.1257/app.20190711
David M. Cutler 1 , Grant Miller 2

We address points raised by Anderson, Charles, and Rees (2022b), which comments on our prior work. After correcting unambiguous data mistakes, our revised estimates suggest that municipal water disinfection (filtration) explains 38 percent of the total mortality rate decline in our sample cities and years—a result not very different from our original estimate of 43 percent. However, effects on infant mortality rates are smaller than in our original analysis. Much of the difference between their analyses and ours is due to the coding of partial intervention years and to differences in population denominators, for which ideal data are difficult to find. (JEL H75, I12, I18, J13, Q18, Q51, Q53)



我们解决了 Anderson、Charles 和 Rees (2022b) 提出的观点,这些观点对我们之前的工作进行了评论。在纠正了明确的数据错误后,我们的修正后估计表明,在我们的样本城市和年份中,城市水消毒(过滤)解释了 38% 的总死亡率下降——这一结果与我们最初估计的 43% 没有太大差异。然而,对婴儿死亡率的影响比我们最初的分析要小。他们的分析与我们的分析之间的大部分差异是由于部分干预年份的编码和人口分母的差异,很难找到理想的数据。(JEL H75、I12、I18、J13、Q18、Q51、Q53)