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Mental Health Costs of Lockdowns: Evidence from Age-Specific Curfews in Turkey
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-01 , DOI: 10.1257/app.20200811
Onur Altindag 1 , Bilge Erten 2 , Pinar Keskin 3

Using a strict, age-specific lockdown order for adults aged 65 and older in Turkey, we examine the mental health consequences of an extended period of tight mobility restrictions on senior adults. Adopting a regression discontinuity design, we find that the curfew-induced decline in mobility substantially worsened mental health outcomes, including somatic and nonsomatic symptoms of mental distress (approximately 0.2 standard deviation). Exploring potential channels, we document an increase in social and physical isolation, with no evidence of robust changes in labor market outcomes or intrahousehold conflict for this subpopulation. (JEL D13, I21, I18, J14, O15)



我们使用针对土耳其 65 岁及以上成年人的严格的、针对特定年龄的封锁令,研究了长期严格的行动限制对老年人的心理健康后果。采用回归不连续设计,我们发现宵禁导致的流动性下降大大恶化了心理健康结果,包括精神痛苦的躯体和非躯体症状(约 0.2 个标准差)。通过探索潜在渠道,我们记录了社会和身体隔离的增加,没有证据表明劳动力市场结果或该亚群的家庭内部冲突发生了剧烈变化。(JEL D13、I21、I18、J14、O15)