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Self-Persuasion: Evidence from Field Experiments at International Debating Competitions
American Economic Review ( IF 10.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-01 , DOI: 10.1257/aer.20200372
Peter Schwardmann 1 , Egon Tripodi 2 , Joël J. van der Weele 3

Laboratory evidence shows that when people have to argue for a given position, they persuade themselves about the position’s factual and moral superiority. Such self-persuasion limits the potential of communication to resolve conflict and reduce polarization. We test for this phenomenon in a field setting, at international debating competitions that randomly assign experienced and motivated debaters to argue one side of a topical motion. We find self-persuasion in factual beliefs and confidence in one’s position. Effect sizes are smaller than in the laboratory, but robust to a one-hour exchange of arguments and a tenfold increase in incentives for accuracy. (JEL C93, D12, D72, D83, D91, I23)



实验室证据表明,当人们不得不为某个特定立场争论时,他们会说服自己相信该立场的事实和道德优越性。这种自我说服限制了沟通解决冲突和减少两极分化的潜力。我们在现场环境中测试这种现象,在国际辩论比赛中随机分配经验丰富且积极进取的辩论者来辩论主题动议的一方。我们在事实信念和对自己立场的信心中找到自我说服。效应量比实验室小,但对一小时的论据交换和对准确性的激励增加十倍是稳健的。(JEL C93、D12、D72、D83、D91、I23)