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Does Race Matter for Police Use of Force? Evidence from 911 Calls
American Economic Review ( IF 10.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-01 , DOI: 10.1257/aer.20201292
Mark Hoekstra 1 , CarlyWill Sloan 2

This paper examines race and police use of force using data on 1.6 million 911 calls in two cities, neither of which allows for discretion in officer dispatch. Results indicate White officers increase force much more than minority officers when dispatched to more minority neighborhoods. Estimates indicate Black (Hispanic) civilians are 55 (75) percent more likely to experience any force, and five times as likely to experience a police shooting, compared to if White officers scaled up force similarly to minority officers. Additionally, 14 percent of White officers use excess force in Black neighborhoods relative to our statistical benchmark. (JEL H76, J15, K42, R23)


种族对警察使用武力有影响吗?来自 911 电话的证据

本文使用两个城市 160 万个 911 电话的数据来研究种族和警察使用武力的情况,这两个城市都不允许在警察派遣方面有自由裁量权。结果表明,当派往更多少数民族社区时,白人军官比少数族裔军官增加的兵力要多得多。估计表明黑人(西班牙裔)平民遭受任何武力的可能性要高出 55%(75%),与白人警察以与少数族裔警察类似的方式扩大武力的情况相比,遭受警察枪击的可能性是其五倍。此外,相对于我们的统计基准,14% 的白人警官在黑人社区过度使用武力。(JEL H76, J15, K42, R23)