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Reshaping Adolescents' Gender Attitudes: Evidence from a School-Based Experiment in India
American Economic Review ( IF 10.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-01 , DOI: 10.1257/aer.20201112
Diva Dhar 1 , Tarun Jain 2 , Seema Jayachandran 3

This paper evaluates an intervention in India that engaged adolescent girls and boys in classroom discussions about gender equality for two years, aiming to reduce their support for societal norms that restrict women's and girls' opportunities. Using a randomized controlled trial, we find that the program made attitudes more supportive of gender equality by 0.18 standard deviations, or, equivalently, converted 16 percent of regressive attitudes. When we resurveyed study participants two years after the intervention had ended, the effects had persisted. The program also led to more gender-equal self-reported behavior, and we find weak evidence that it affected two revealed-preference measures. (JEL D63, D91, I21, J13, J16, 012)



本文评估了印度的一项干预措施,该干预措施让青春期女孩和男孩参与了两年的课堂讨论性别平等,旨在减少他们对限制妇女和女孩机会的社会规范的支持。通过一项随机对照试验,我们发现该计划使支持性别平等的态度更加支持 0.18 个标准差,或者等效地,转换了 16% 的倒退态度。当我们在干预结束两年后重新调查研究参与者时,效果仍然存在。该计划还导致了更多性别平等的自我报告行为,我们发现微弱的证据表明它影响了两项显示偏好测量。(JEL D63、D91、I21、J13、J16、012)