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Filtering T-Type Switch With Flexible Signal Routing Reconfigurability for Crossover-/Adjacent-Channel Applications
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-16 , DOI: 10.1109/lmwc.2022.3156602
Wan-Li Zhan 1 , Jin-Xu Xu 1 , Xiu Yin Zhang 1

In this letter, a filtering T-type switch is proposed for the first time, which exhibits signal routing reconfigurability for crossover-channel (State 1) and adjacent-channel (State 2 or 3) applications. The circuit consists of four T-shaped feeding lines, eight short-ended half-wavelength resonators, and a ring resonator. The p-i-n diodes are loaded to the resonators for switching ON and OFF the signal channels. When the diode is turned off, the channel is switched ON and intrinsic filtering responses are integrated by the coupled resonators. When the diode is turned on, the input admittance of the resonator is tuned to infinite for switching OFF the channel. In addition, the second harmonic is suppressed by the feeding structure. For verification, the circuit is implemented. The measured results exhibit good bandpass responses with high out-of-band suppression and high isolation in each state.


具有灵活信号路由可重配置性的滤波 T 型开关,适用于交叉/相邻通道应用

在这封信中,首次提出了一种滤波T型开关,它为交叉通道(状态1)和相邻通道(状态2或3)应用提供了信号路由可重构性。该电路由四根T形馈线、八个短端半波长谐振器和一个环形谐振器组成。 pin 二极管加载到谐振器,用于打开和关闭信号通道。当二极管关闭时,通道打开,并且耦合谐振器对固有滤波响应进行积分。当二极管导通时,谐振器的输入导纳被调谐至无穷大以关闭通道。此外,馈电结构还抑制了二次谐波。为了验证,实现了该电路。测量结果显示出良好的带通响应,在每种状态下均具有高带外抑制和高隔离度。