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Stochastic Optimization of the CPL-Function-Based Model for RF Power Transistors
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-25 , DOI: 10.1109/lmwc.2022.3149751
Jialin Cai 1 , Justin B. King 2 , Shichang Chen 1 , Bin You 1 , Wenjun Li 1 , Jun Liu 1

In this article, the simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) algorithm is proposed to optimize the threshold of the canonical piecewise linear (CPL) function-based models for radio frequency (RF) power transistors. Compared with the existing standard CPL-function-based model, the proposed optimization technique can greatly improve model performance. Two different CPL-based models, the CPL Y/quadratic Y (QY) model and the canonical section-wise piecewise linear (CSWPL) model, are used to verify the proposed technique. Experimental test of a 10-W GaN device from Cree is presented, showing the effectiveness of the proposed technique.


RF 功率晶体管 CPL 函数模型的随机优化

在本文中,提出了同时扰动随机逼近(SPSA)算法来优化射频(RF)功率晶体管基于规范分段线性(CPL)函数的模型的阈值。与现有标准的基于CPL函数的模型相比,所提出的优化技术可以极大地提高模型性能。两种不同的基于 CPL 的模型,即 CPL Y/二次 Y (QY) 模型和规范分段分段线性 (CSWPL) 模型,用于验证所提出的技术。对 Cree 的 10W GaN 器件进行了实验测试,显示了所提出技术的有效性。