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New Triple-Resonance Configuration Using Stubbed Waveguide Dual-Mode Cavities
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-28 , DOI: 10.1109/lmwc.2022.3160299
Simone Bastioli 1 , Richard V. Snyder 1

This letter presents new configurations of stubbed waveguide cavities for the realization of pseudo-elliptic and self-equalized filters. The basic structure consists of a main TE102/TE201 dual-mode cavity that is loaded with a pair of waveguide stubs. The two stubs are located at the top and bottom walls of the cavity while always being parallel and in-line to each other. Such a two-stub arrangement can be seen as a TM110 mode cavity, which is embedded into the main dual-mode cavity. By properly setting the polarization of the stubs with respect to the main cavity as well as finely adjusting the difference between the lengths of the stubs, triple-resonance structures with selected topologies and controllable coupling mechanisms can be implemented. The resulting third-order filtering functions comprise three poles and two zeros, the latter being either group delay equalization zeros or finite frequency transmission zeros depending on the polarization of the stubs. The experimental results of a fifth-order filter with two finite frequency transmission zeros using one stubbed waveguide cavity between two standard cavities validate the new configuration.



这封信介绍了用于实现伪椭圆和自均衡滤波器的短截波导腔的新配置。基本结构由一个主 TE102/TE201 双模腔组成,该腔装有一对波导短截线。两个短截线位于腔体的顶壁和底壁处,同时始终彼此平行且成一直线。这种双短截线布置可以看作是嵌入到主双模腔中的TM110模腔。通过适当地设置短截线相对于主腔的偏振以及微调短截线长度之间的差异,可以实现具有选定拓扑和可控耦合机制的三重谐振结构。所得的三阶滤波函数包括三个极点和两个零点,后者是群延迟均衡零点或有限频率传输零点,具体取决于短截线的极化。使用两个标准腔之间的一个短截波导腔的具有两个有限频率传输零点的五阶滤波器的实验结果验证了这一新配置。