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Optical properties of gold nanoclusters constructed from Au13 units
Aggregate ( IF 13.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-31 , DOI: 10.1002/agt2.207
Jie Kong 1 , Wei Zhang 1, 2 , Yanzhen Wu 1 , Meng Zhou 1

Atomically precise gold nanoclusters with diameters of 1–3 nm have attracted considerable research interests in the past decade because they fill the gap between small organic-metal complexes (<1 nm) and metal nanoparticles (>3 nm). Au13 nanocluster with icosahedral structure is a ubiquitous unit widely applied in nanocluster assembly. In this minireview, we introduce the optical properties of gold nanoclusters constructed from Au13 units. We first discuss the optical absorption and photoluminescence of Au13, Au25, Au37, and Au60 clusters. We then discuss the ultrafast dynamics, the detailed excited-state deactivation processes, and the origin of coherent oscillations of the Au13 homologous clusters. Finally, we provide our outlook on the future direction on this topic.


由 Au13 单元构成的金纳米团簇的光学性质

直径为 1-3 nm 的原子级精确金纳米团簇在过去十年中引起了广泛的研究兴趣,因为它们填补了小有机金属配合物 (<1 nm) 和金属纳米颗粒 (>3 nm) 之间的空白。具有二十面体结构的Au 13纳米团簇是一种普遍存在的单元,广泛应用于纳米团簇组装。在这篇迷你评论中,我们介绍了由 Au 13单元构成的金纳米团簇的光学特性。我们首先讨论 Au 13、Au 25、Au 37和 Au 60簇的光吸收和光致发光。然后我们讨论了超快动力学、详细的激发态失活过程以及 Au 相干振荡的起源13 个同源簇。最后,我们对该主题的未来方向进行了展望。