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Full-Rights Feminists and a History of the Care Crisis
International Review of Social History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-31 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020859022000335
Jocelyn Olcott

In 2018, the International Labour Organization published a study about the critical role of paid and unpaid care work for the health of society, the economy, and the planet and about the ways that care work is sustained through the super-exploitation of women, particularly migrant women and racially and ethnically marginalized women. Dorothy Sue Cobble's sweeping, carefully researched, and beautifully written study of full-rights feminists gives us a much-needed history of how the ILO came to attend to questions of care work and social reproduction and how hard-fought this recognition has been.



2018 年,国际劳工组织发表了一项研究,内容涉及有偿和无偿护理工作对社会、经济和地球健康的关键作用,以及护理工作是如何通过对妇女的超级剥削来维持的,特别是移徙妇女和在种族和民族上被边缘化的妇女。多萝西·苏·科布尔 (Dorothy Sue Cobble) 对全权女权主义者的广泛、仔细研究和优美的文字研究为我们提供了一个急需的历史,说明国际劳工组织如何开始关注护理工作和社会再生产的问题,以及这种认可是多么艰难。
