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Ultrafast Visible-Light-Induced ATRP in Aqueous Media with Carbon Quantum Dots as the Catalyst and Its Application for 3D Printing
Journal of the American Chemical Society ( IF 14.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-26 , DOI: 10.1021/jacs.2c02303
Liang Qiao 1 , Mengjie Zhou 1 , Ge Shi 1 , Zhe Cui 1 , Xiaomeng Zhang 1 , Peng Fu 1 , Minying Liu 1 , Xiaoguang Qiao 1, 2 , Yanjie He 1 , Xinchang Pang 1

Photoinduced atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) has been proved to be a versatile technique for polymer network formation. However, the slow polymerization rates of typical ATRP limited its application in the field of additive manufacturing (3D printing). In this work, we introduced carbon quantum dots (CQDs) for the first time to the ATRP in aqueous media and developed an ultrafast visible-light-induced polymerization system. After optimization, the polymerization could achieve a high monomer conversion (>90%) within 1 min, and the polydispersity index (PDI) of the polymer was lower than 1.25. This system was then applied as the first example of ATRP for the 3D printing of hydrogel through digital light processing (DLP), and the printed object exhibited good dimensional accuracy. Additionally, the excellent and stable optical properties of CQDs also provided interesting photoluminescence capabilities to the printed objects. We deduce this ATRP mediated 3D printing process would provide a new platform for the preparation of functional and stimuli-responsive hydrogel materials.


以碳量子点为催化剂的水介质中超快可见光诱导 ATRP 及其在 3D 打印中的应用

光诱导原子转移自由基聚合(ATRP)已被证明是一种用于聚合物网络形成的通用技术。然而,典型 ATRP 的缓慢聚合速率限制了其在增材制造(3D 打印)领域的应用。在这项工作中,我们首次将碳量子点 (CQD) 引入水介质中的 ATRP,并开发了一种超快可见光诱导聚合系统。优化后的聚合反应可在1 min内达到较高的单体转化率(>90%),聚合物的多分散指数(PDI)低于1.25。该系统随后作为 ATRP 的第一个示例应用于通过数字光处理 (DLP) 进行水凝胶 3D 打印,并且打印的物体具有良好的尺寸精度。此外,CQD 优异而稳定的光学特性也为印刷物体提供了有趣的光致发光能力。我们推断这种 ATRP 介导的 3D 打印过程将为制备功能性和刺激响应性水凝胶材料提供一个新平台。