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International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-30 , DOI: 10.18357/ijcyfs114.2202020049
Kiran Modi , Lakshmi Madhavan , Leena Prasad , Gurneet Kalra , Suman Kasana , Sanya Kapoor

This paper is a condensed version of a study entitled “Beyond 18: Leaving Child Care Institutions — A Study of Aftercare Practices in Five States of India”, conducted and published in 2019 by Udayan Care, a charitable organisation, with support from UNICEF India and Tata Trusts. This research involved the participation of care leavers, government functionaries, duty-bearers, and civil society practitioners. It found that upon turning 18, youth transitioning out of child care institutions to independent life in India experience many challenges, such as securing housing and identity documents; accessing education, skill development, and employment opportunities; and garnering psychosocial support. This study also showed that absent or inadequate aftercare support during transition increases care leavers’ vulnerabilities to homelessness, unemployment, substance misuse, and ruptured social relationships. It also found that continued aftercare support is necessary to foster independent living skills in these young people and enable their reintegration into mainstream society. While exploring the continuum from child care to aftercare, the researchers developed the concept of a “Sphere of Aftercare”, comprising eight domains of support that are considered essential for a successful transition. The study revealed a lack of transition planning at the level of child care institutions and functionaries and a general lack of understanding of the holistic aftercare needs of youth throughout the eight identified domains. The study also found an absence of clarity about stakeholders’ roles; a lack of data management with regard to the number of youth leaving care, leading to inadequate budget planning; and a lack of adequate monitoring mechanisms to assess care leavers’ outcomes. In light of this study’s findings, policy reforms and ways of developing robust aftercare programmes are recommended in relation to policy, practice, and law.



本文是题为“超越 18 岁:离开儿童保育机构——印度五个州的善后实践研究”的研究的浓缩版,该研究由慈善组织 Udayan Care 在联合国儿童基金会印度和塔塔信托。这项研究涉及护理人员、政府工作人员、责任承担者和民间社会从业者的参与。研究发现,在印度,从托儿机构过渡到独立生活的青年在 18 岁时会遇到许多挑战,例如获得住房和身份证件;获得教育、技能发展和就业机会;并获得社会心理支持。该研究还表明,在过渡期间缺乏或不充分的善后支持会增加护理离职者对无家可归、失业、物质滥用和社会关系破裂。它还发现,持续的善后支持对于培养这些年轻人的独立生活技能并使他们重新融入主流社会是必要的。在探索从儿童保育到善后护理的连续性过程中,研究人员提出了“善后领域”的概念,包括被认为对成功过渡至关重要的八个支持领域。该研究表明,在儿童保育机构和工作人员层面缺乏过渡规划,并且普遍缺乏对八个已确定领域的青少年整体善后需求的了解。该研究还发现利益相关者的角色缺乏明确性;缺乏关于离开护理的青年人数的数据管理,导致预算规划不足;缺乏足够的监测机制来评估护理人员的结果。根据本研究的结果,建议在政策、实践和法律方面进行政策改革和制定稳健的善后计划的方法。