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Good and Bad Reasoning about COVID-19
Informal Logic ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-18 , DOI: 10.22329/il.v40i4.6310
Louise Cummings

The Covid-19 pandemic presents argumentation theorists with an opportunity to reflect on the ways in which people, agencies and governments respond to the emergence of a new virus. Reponses have revealed a range of judgements and decisions, not all of which are rationally warranted. This article will examine errors in reasoning, several of which have reduced the public’s compliance with important health measures. This article will also analyse rationally warranted reasoning about Covid-19 employed by public health agencies. In examining instances of good and bad reasoning during the Covid-19 pandemic, we can begin to construct a taxonomy of arguments that facilitated and hindered individual and collective responses during this public health emergency.


关于 COVID-19 的好坏推理

Covid-19 大流行为论证理论家提供了一个机会来反思人们、机构和政府对新病毒出现的反应方式。回应揭示了一系列判断和决定,并非所有这些判断和决定都是合理的。本文将研究推理中的错误,其中一些错误降低了公众对重要健康措施的遵守率。本文还将分析公共卫生机构采用的有关 Covid-19 的合理推理。在检查 Covid-19 大流行期间好的和坏的推理实例时,我们可以开始构建一个论点分类法,这些论点在这次公共卫生紧急情况下促进和阻碍了个人和集体的反应。