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The Dual effect of Speakers’ Silent Pauses on Fluent Simultaneous Interpreting: A Comparison Between Formal Speech and Spontaneous Speech
Across Languages and Cultures ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1556/084.2020.00014
Deng Weitian 1

This study seeks to find a correlation between silent pauses (SPs) in source text and the fluent delivery in target text during these pauses in simultaneous interpreting from Chinese to English. Experiments have been carried out to home in on SPs by speakers to examine exactly what is going on while silences last. Two speech styles of formal speech and spontaneous speech are then taken into consideration to see whether stylistic difference yields different results in the SP–fluency correlation. Two indicators are identified as the factors pointing to the dual effect of SPs: the rate of fluent interpreting during SPs (Indicator One), and the rate of SP-included sentences being successfully interpreted (Indicator Two). Both the concurrent and the continuing effects are proved tenable by looking at the relations between the two indicators and different SP positions and durations. Results indicate that the possibility of both indicators is significantly higher during speakers’ pauses at grammatical junctures; Indicator One is more pronounced during pauses of medium length while Indicator Two is more pronounced during pauses of longer length. A negative correlation between SP duration and Indicator One is found while a positive correlation between SP duration and Indicator Two is confirmed. Furthermore, this study concludes that speech style does make a difference in the correlation between SP positions and the two indicators: formal speech interpreting shows clearly better regularity than spontaneous speech interpreting.



本研究旨在找出中英同声传译中源文本中的无声停顿(SP)与目标文本中这些停顿期间的流利传递之间的相关性。扬声器已经对 SP 进行了实验,以准确检查在沉默持续期间发生了什么。然后考虑正式演讲和自发演讲这两种演讲风格,看看风格差异是否会在 SP-流畅度相关性中产生不同的结果。两个指标被确定为指向 SP 双重效应的因素:SP 期间的流利口译率(指标一),以及包含 SP 的句子被成功解释的比率(指标二)。通过观察两个指标之间的关系以及不同的 SP 位置和持续时间,证明了并行和持续效应都是成立的。结果表明,在说话人在语法关头停顿期间,这两个指标的可能性明显更高;指标一在中等长度的停顿中更明显,而指标二在较长时间的停顿中更明显。SP 持续时间与指标一之间存在负相关,而 SP 持续时间与指标二之间存在正相关关系。此外,本研究得出结论,言语风格确实对 SP 位置和这两个指标之间的相关性产生了影响:正式的语音翻译明显比自发的语音翻译具有更好的规律性。结果表明,在说话人在语法关头停顿期间,这两个指标的可能性明显更高;指标一在中等长度的停顿中更明显,而指标二在较长时间的停顿中更明显。SP 持续时间与指标一之间存在负相关,而 SP 持续时间与指标二之间存在正相关关系。此外,本研究得出结论,言语风格确实对 SP 位置和这两个指标之间的相关性产生了影响:正式的语音翻译明显比自发的语音翻译具有更好的规律性。结果表明,在说话人在语法关头停顿期间,这两个指标的可能性明显更高;指标一在中等长度的停顿中更明显,而指标二在较长时间的停顿中更明显。SP 持续时间与指标一之间存在负相关,而 SP 持续时间与指标二之间存在正相关关系。此外,本研究得出结论,言语风格确实对 SP 位置和这两个指标之间的相关性产生了影响:正式的语音翻译明显比自发的语音翻译具有更好的规律性。指标一在中等长度的停顿中更明显,而指标二在较长时间的停顿中更明显。SP 持续时间与指标一之间存在负相关,而 SP 持续时间与指标二之间存在正相关关系。此外,本研究得出结论,言语风格确实对 SP 位置和这两个指标之间的相关性产生了影响:正式的语音翻译明显比自发的语音翻译具有更好的规律性。指标一在中等长度的停顿中更明显,而指标二在较长时间的停顿中更明显。SP 持续时间与指标一之间存在负相关,而 SP 持续时间与指标二之间存在正相关关系。此外,本研究得出结论,言语风格确实对 SP 位置和这两个指标之间的相关性产生了影响:正式的语音翻译明显比自发的语音翻译具有更好的规律性。