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Interference in Translation and Simultaneous Interpreting from Italian into English. An Intermodal Analysis of English Genitives in the European Parliament Interpreting Corpus
Across Languages and Cultures ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1556/084.2020.00015
Marco Lobascio 1

This article illustrates an intermodal study on simultaneous interpreting and translation from Italian into English based primarily on the European Parliament Interpreting Corpus (EPIC) and official translations from the European Parliament. In line with Gideon Toury’s posited law of interference, the hypothesis that drives the present study is that interpreters and translators working into English from Italian may underrepresent the ’s-genitive as a result of the syntactic asymmetry between English (which alternates between ’s and of) and Italian (which only has one type of prepositional phrase consisting of di + noun). The results of this study indicate that ’s-genitives occur with lower frequency in interpreted English than in non-mediated English, thus revealing a particular form of syntactic interference. The same tendency, however, is not found in translations from Italian into English. This difference is explained by recourse to Englund Dimitrova’s (2005) findings on translation expertise and to the literal translation hypothesis (Chesterman 2011) and by suggesting that simultaneous interpreting tends to adhere to the source-language syntax more closely than translation, thus displaying similarities with translation drafts. The results also point to the theoretical and methodological limitations of the théorie du sens developed by the Paris School of Interpreters and Translators.



本文说明了一项主要基于欧洲议会口译语料库 (EPIC) 和欧洲议会官方翻译的意大利同声传译和翻译的多式联运研究。根据 Gideon Toury 假设的干扰定律,推动本研究的假设是,由于英语之间的句法不对称(在 's 和of) 和意大利语(只有一种介词短语由 di + 名词组成)。这项研究的结果表明,'s-属格在解释英语中的出现频率低于非中介英语,从而揭示了一种特殊形式的句法干扰。然而,同样的趋势,在从意大利语到英语的翻译中找不到。这种差异可以通过求助于 Englund Dimitrova (2005) 关于翻译专业知识的发现和直译假设 (Chesterman 2011) 来解释,并表明同声传译往往比翻译更接近源语言句法,因此与翻译草稿。结果还指出了巴黎口译和笔译学院发展的理论和方法论的局限性。这种差异可以通过求助于 Englund Dimitrova (2005) 关于翻译专业知识的发现和直译假设 (Chesterman 2011) 来解释,并表明同声传译往往比翻译更接近源语言句法,因此与翻译草稿。结果还指出了巴黎口译和笔译学院发展的理论和方法论的局限性。这种差异可以通过求助于 Englund Dimitrova (2005) 关于翻译专业知识的发现和直译假设 (Chesterman 2011) 来解释,并表明同声传译往往比翻译更接近源语言句法,因此与翻译草稿。结果还指出了巴黎口译和笔译学院发展的理论和方法论的局限性。