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Phrase Frames as an Exploratory Tool for Studying English-to-Polish Translation Patterns: A Descriptive Corpus-Based Study
Across Languages and Cultures ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1556/084.2020.00013
Łukasz Grabowski 1

Designed as a proof-of-concept, this descriptive corpus-based study focuses on the concept of phrase frame, defined as a contiguous sequence of n words identical except for one (Fletcher 2002). Although phrase frames were already used as a means of exploring pattern variability across and within different text types or registers written in English, they have been rarely, if ever, employed so far as a unit of analysis in descriptive research on translation. In this study, we use the English‒Polish parallel corpus Paralela (Pęzik 2016) to identify and describe Polish translation patterns that emerge from two functionally-defined English phrase frames (it is * clear that, it is * difficult to ). The findings provided insights into language in use in English-to-Polish translation, which revealed that the Polish equivalents are realized with a high degree of regularity and can be generalized into syntagmatic patterns similar to phrase frames. We also obtained valuable cross-linguistic insights into corresponding syntagmatic structures in English and Polish.



这项基于描述性语料库的研究被设计为概念验证,重点关注短语框架的概念,定义为除一个之外相同的 n 个单词的连续序列(Fletcher 2002)。尽管短语框架已经被用作探索不同文本类型或英语语域之间和内部模式变化的一种手段,但迄今为止,它们很少被用作翻译描述性研究的分析单位。在这项研究中,我们使用英语-波兰语平行语料库 Paralela (Pęzik 2016) 来识别和描述从两个功能定义的英语短语框架中出现的波兰语翻译模式(很明显,很难)。这些发现提供了对英语到波兰语翻译中使用的语言的见解,这表明波兰语等价物具有高度的规律性,并且可以概括为类似于短语框架的句法模式。我们还获得了有关英语和波兰语相应句法结构的有价值的跨语言见解。