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Collective Struggles Against Sexual Harassment: What We Have Learnt About Pathways to Accountability and their Outcomes
IDS Bulletin ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-30 , DOI: 10.19088/1968-2020.127
Mariz Tadros , Jenny Edwards

The #MeToo movement that spread across the internet in 2017 sparked a focus on sexual harassment as an issue; this article, however, highlights the grass-roots work that had been happening for years before this collective action against sexual harassment and which has been hidden by the spotlight on a (white) Western perspective. It argues that this focus not only negates the work done in many other countries and localities, but also risks losing what can be learnt from these places, as well as potentially hindering that work by giving it the label of a Western agenda. This IDS Bulletin seeks to pluralise voices, experiences, and insights from the world that offer opportunities for learning. This introduction uses examples from the articles in this IDS Bulletin to explore the triggers to collective action and the pathways for mobilising for accountability. It concludes by looking at key issues in relation to collective action for countering sexual harassment.



2017 年在互联网上传播的#MeToo 运动引发了对性骚扰问题的关注;然而,这篇文章强调了在反对性骚扰的集体行动之前多年来一直在进行的基层工作,这些工作被(白人)西方视角的聚光灯所掩盖。它认为,这种关注不仅否定了许多其他国家和地区所做的工作,而且有可能失去从这些地方学到的东西,并可能通过给它贴上西方议程的标签而阻碍这项工作。本 IDS 公告旨在多元化来自世界的声音、经验和见解,从而提供学习机会。本介绍使用本 IDS 公告中文章中的示例来探讨集体行动的触发因素以及动员问责制的途径。最后,它着眼于与打击性骚扰的集体行动有关的关键问题。