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Singing and Accompaniment Support the Processing of Song Lyrics and Change the Lyrics' Meaning
Empirical Musicology Review ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-22 , DOI: 10.18061/emr.v15i1-2.6863
Yke Schotanus

A growing body of evidence indicates that music can support the processing of language. Some of its beneficial effects may even occur after one exposure. Accompaniment can also have an impact: in a-cappella singing, silences and out-of-key notes may confuse listeners, while accompaniment avoids silences and elucidates both rhythm and harmony, thereby supporting music-processing and concentration. These hypotheses were tested in two experiments. In a classroom setting, 271 pupils (M = 15.7 years old, SD = 0.9), listened to five out of 24 tracks (four songs in six different conditions) and completed a questionnaire after each one. As expected, the instrumental interludes between sung or spoken phrases in accompanied versions were rated less distracting than the silences that replace them in unaccompanied ones. Furthermore, perceived arousal, emotion, valence, and purity of singing were rated more positively in accompanied versions. Singing, on the other hand, supports the perceived intelligibility and comprehensibility of the lyrics. Finally, the music makes repetitions of words and phrases more meaningful and changes the lyrics' emotional meaning, wereby some aspects of sadness are associated with negative affect while other aspects of sadness are associated with positive affect. These results were by and large replicated in a better randomized laboratory experiment among 24 adults (M = 24.4; SD = 4.8).



越来越多的证据表明音乐可以支持语言的处理。它的一些有益效果甚至可能在一次接触后发生。伴奏也会产生影响:在无伴奏合唱中,沉默和走调的音符可能会使听众感到困惑,而伴奏则避免了沉默并阐明了节奏和和声,从而支持音乐处理和集中。这些假设在两个实验中得到检验。在课堂环境中,271 名学生(M = 15.7 岁,SD = 0.9)听了 24 首曲目中的 5 首(六种不同条件下的四首歌曲),并在每首歌曲后完成问卷调查。正如预期的那样,伴奏版本中歌唱或口语短语之间的器乐插曲被评为比无伴奏版本中取代它们的沉默更不让人分心。此外,感知唤醒、情绪、在伴奏版本中,效价和歌唱的纯度得到了更积极的评价。另一方面,唱歌支持歌词的可理解性和可理解性。最后,音乐使单词和短语的重复更有意义,改变了歌词的情感意义,因为悲伤的某些方面与负面情绪相关,而悲伤的其他方面与积极情绪相关。这些结果大体上在 24 名成年人(M = 24.4;SD = 4.8)的一个更好的随机实验室实验中得到了复制。情感意义,悲伤的某些方面与消极情绪相关,而悲伤的其他方面与积极情绪相关。这些结果大体上在 24 名成年人(M = 24.4;SD = 4.8)的一个更好的随机实验室实验中得到了复制。情感意义,悲伤的某些方面与消极情绪相关,而悲伤的其他方面与积极情绪相关。这些结果大体上在 24 名成年人(M = 24.4;SD = 4.8)的一个更好的随机实验室实验中得到了复制。