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Implicit-Bias Remedies: Treating Discriminatory Bias as a Public-Health Problem.
Psychological Science in the Public Interest ( IF 18.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-01 , DOI: 10.1177/15291006211070781
Anthony G Greenwald 1 , Nilanjana Dasgupta 2 , John F Dovidio 3 , Jerry Kang 4 , Corinne A Moss-Racusin 5 , Bethany A Teachman 6

Accumulated findings from studies in which implicit-bias measures correlate with discriminatory judgment and behavior have led many social scientists to conclude that implicit biases play a causal role in racial and other discrimination. In turn, that belief has promoted and sustained two lines of work to develop remedies: (a) individual treatment interventions expected to weaken or eradicate implicit biases and (b) group-administered training programs to overcome biases generally, including implicit biases. Our review of research on these two types of sought remedies finds that they lack established methods that durably diminish implicit biases and have not reproducibly reduced discriminatory consequences of implicit (or other) biases. That disappointing conclusion prompted our turn to strategies based on methods that have been successful in the domain of public health. Preventive measures are designed to disable the path from implicit biases to discriminatory outcomes. Disparity-finding methods aim to discover disparities that sometimes have obvious fixes, or that at least suggest where responsibility should reside for developing a fix. Disparity-finding methods have the advantage of being useful in remediation not only for implicit biases but also systemic biases. For both of these categories of bias, causes of discriminatory outcomes are understood as residing in large part outside the conscious awareness of individual actors. We conclude with recommendations to guide organizations that wish to deal with biases for which they have not yet found solutions.



内隐偏见测量与歧视性判断和行为相关的研究的累积结果导致许多社会科学家得出结论,内隐偏见在种族和其他歧视中起因果作用。反过来,这种信念促进并维持了两条开发补救措施的工作:(a) 预期会削弱或消除隐性偏见的个体治疗干预措施和 (b) 集体管理的培训计划,以克服普遍的偏见,包括隐性偏见。我们对这两种寻求补救措施的研究回顾发现,它们缺乏能够持久减少隐性偏见的既定方法,也没有可重复地减少隐性(或其他)偏见的歧视性后果。这一令人失望的结论促使我们转向基于在公共卫生领域取得成功的方法的策略。预防措施旨在阻止从隐性偏见到歧视性结果的路径。差异发现方法旨在发现有时有明显修复的差异,或者至少表明开发修复的责任应该归于何处。差异发现方法的优点是不仅可以用于隐性偏见,还可以用于系统性偏见。对于这两类偏见,歧视性结果的原因被理解为在很大程度上存在于个体行为者的自觉意识之外。最后,我们提出了一些建议,以指导希望处理尚未找到解决方案的偏见的组织。