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A Planar Five-Membered Aromatic Ring Stabilized by Only Two π-Electrons
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-20 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202206963
Oleksandr Kysliak 1 , Simon H F Schreiner 1, 2 , Niklas Grabicki 3 , Phil Liebing 1 , Florian Weigend 4 , Oliver Dumele 3 , Robert Kretschmer 1, 2, 5

Although doubted in the past, two π-electrons are just enough to stabilize five-membered aromatic compounds that are even stable at room-temperature, as shown by the facile synthesis of a dipotassium cyclopentagallene. This compound is a unique example of a five-membered aromatic ring stabilized by only two π-electrons. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction revealed a planar Ga5 ring with almost equal gallium–gallium bond lengths.


仅由两个 π 电子稳定的平面五元芳环

尽管过去受到质疑,但两个 π 电子足以稳定甚至在室温下也稳定的五元芳香族化合物,如环五加仑子二钾的轻松合成所示。该化合物是仅由两个 π 电子稳定的五元芳环的独特例子。单晶 X 射线衍射揭示了平面 Ga 5环,其镓-镓键长几乎相等。