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Shifty Attitudes: Indexical Shift Versus Perspectival Anaphora
Annual Review of Linguistics ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-28 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-linguistics-051220-043921
Sandhya Sundaresan 1

In cases of indexical shift, so-called indexical pronouns like I, you, here, and now refer to the speaker, addressee, location, and time of some context other than the utterance context. In cases of perspectival anaphora, an anaphor tracks the perspective of some individual other than the utterance speaker [or addressee(s)]. Thus, both phenomena involve referential obviation of a pronoun or anaphor from the utterance context. Such obviation also occurs under strikingly similar grammatical conditions—for instance, in the scope of an attitude predicate (e.g., say, think, perceive). In this review, I introduce the core properties of both phenomena and show that they actually stand in a subset–superset relation. The availability of indexical shift in a given environment entails that of perspectival anaphora, but not vice-versa. I describe a plausible way to make sense of these insights within a unified model of attitude shift, which in turn helps chart out clear avenues for future research. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Linguistics, Volume 7 is January 14, 2021. Please see http://www.annualreviews.org/page/journal/pubdates for revised estimates.



在索引转换的情况下,所谓的索引代词,如 I、you、here 和 now 指的是说话者、收件人、位置和某些上下文的时间,而不是话语上下文。在透视照应的情况下,照应跟踪除了说话人[或受话人]之外的某个人的观点。因此,这两种现象都涉及从话语上下文中消除代词或照应词的指称。这种排除也发生在非常相似的语法条件下——例如,在态度谓词的范围内(例如,认为、感知)。在这篇评论中,我介绍了这两种现象的核心特性,并表明它们实际上处于子集-超集关系中。在给定环境中索引转换的可用性需要透视照应,但反之则不然。我描述了一种在态度转变的统一模型中理解这些见解的合理方法,这反过来又有助于为未来的研究指明清晰的途径。《语言学年度评论》第 7 卷的预计最终在线出版日期为 2021 年 1 月 14 日。有关修订后的估计,请参阅 http://www.annualreviews.org/page/journal/pubdates。