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Pupil Constrictions and Their Associations With Increased Negative Affect During Responses to Recalled Memories of Interpersonal Stress
Journal of Psychophysiology ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-16 , DOI: 10.1027/0269-8803/a000273
Sachiyo Ozawa 1 , Hiromasa Yoshimoto 2 , Kazuo Okanoya 1, 2, 3 , Kazuo Hiraki 2, 3

Abstract. Pupil diameter change is indicative of emotional processing. Most previous findings regarding pupillary response and emotion have reported that the pupil enlarges in response to the presentation of emotional perceptual stimuli (e.g., visual images) within several seconds. It is considered that such stimuli activate the sympathetic nervous system, leading to pupil dilation. In order to examine the effects of emotions similar to daily emotional experiences of mood, the present study examined pupil diameter changes and their relationships with subjective emotional changes while recalling a topic of stressful interpersonal events in daily life. The data of 20 university students (11 males, Mage = 20.36 ± 2.38 years; 9 females, Mage = 22.33 ± 3.57) were analyzed. In the experimental task, participants were instructed to recall their memories concerning the topic through instructions and questions presented on a monitor, which proceeded at their own pace, through a key press. Subsequently, after baseline and instruction periods, participants were instructed to freely recall their memories. They were then asked to respond silently to a series of questions concerning the freely recalled memories. In the analysis, we compared the pupil diameters between these different periods and observed that pupil diameters significantly decreased during the response period relative to the free recall or baseline periods. Furthermore, pupil constrictions during the response period were negatively correlated with increases in negative affect scale scores. Pupil constriction, which is indicative of decreased arousal level and parasympathetic activation, was presumably caused by multiple factors including less cognitive difficulty and a relatively long experimental task period. As the result of a less tonic mode in the response period, the attention of participants might be more successfully focused on ongoing tasks, which might lead to optimal performance in recalling memories, possibly leading to correlations between pupil diameter and negative emotional changes.



摘要。瞳孔直径变化表明情绪处理。大多数先前关于瞳孔反应和情绪的发现都报告说瞳孔会在几秒钟内响应情绪感知刺激(例如视觉图像)的呈现而扩大。认为这种刺激会激活交感神经系统,导致瞳孔扩大。为了检查类似于日常情绪体验的情绪的影响,本研究检查了瞳孔直径的变化及其与主观情绪变化的关系,同时回忆了日常生活中的压力人际关系事件。分析了20名大学生(11名男性,Mage = 20.36±2.38岁;9名女性,Mage = 22.33±3.57)的数据。在实验任务中,参与者被要求通过在显示器上显示的指示和问题来回忆他们关于该主题的记忆,这些指示和问题通过按键按自己的节奏进行。随后,在基线期和指导期之后,参与者被要求自由回忆他们的记忆。然后他们被要求默默地回答一系列关于自由回忆的问题。在分析中,我们比较了这些不同时期之间的瞳孔直径,并观察到相对于自由回忆或基线期,在响应期间瞳孔直径显着减小。此外,反应期间瞳孔收缩与负面影响量表得分的增加呈负相关。瞳孔收缩,这表明唤醒水平和副交感神经激活降低,可能是由多种因素引起的,包括认知困难较少和实验任务周期相对较长。由于反应期间的紧张模式较少,参与者的注意力可能更成功地集中在正在进行的任务上,这可能导致回忆记忆的最佳表现,可能导致瞳孔直径和负面情绪变化之间的相关性。