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Getting Out of Traffic: Applying White Collar Investigative Tactics to Increase Detection of Sex Trafficking Cases
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology Pub Date : 2022-05-14
Evan Binder

When federal authorities investigate sex trafficking, three realities are consistently present. First, most sex trafficking investigations begin in response to an individual affirmatively bringing evidence to investigators. Second, the elements required to prove a someone guilty of sex trafficking under federal sex trafficking laws incentivize prosecutors to rely on victim testimony and their cooperation throughout the life of the investigation. This can be, and often is, psychologically traumatizing for the victim. Third, most cases are viewed through a traditional tripartite structure, involving the trafficker, the victim(s), and the purchasers of the sex act (johns). However, recent high-profile sex trafficking indictments of Jeffrey Epstein and the lifestyle brand NXIVM demonstrate that trafficking schemes are frequently much more complex than that tripartite structure and involve many other individuals who either participated or were involved in the illicit conduct. As such, the way federal authorities investigate sex trafficking can, and should be, reimagined. Combining this knowledge with further research into the psychological effects of saddling victims with the burden of carrying an investigation through to conviction, sex trafficking investigators can look to prosecutorial tactics used by the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice. Since 1993, the Antitrust Division has operated their Amnesty Program, which grants immunity to those who either engage in or have knowledge of an illegal price-fixing scheme, and voluntarily bring this information to the government. The Division has seen great success with their leniency program, as over 90% of cases in the Division now begin with an amnesty cooperator. This Comment proposes that a similar leniency program could be utilized for investigating sex trafficking. A leniency program recognizes the three realities listed above: it fits within a reactive process for identifying cases, it relieves burdens on victims to begin investigations, and it recognizes that there are many other individuals who could provide information about illegal trafficking.

Cite as: Evan Binder, Getting Out of Traffic: Applying White Collar Investigative Tactics to Increase Detection of Sex Trafficking Cases, 112 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 631 (2022).



当联邦当局调查性交易时,三个现实始终存在。首先,大多数性交易调查都是针对个人肯定地向调查人员提供证据而开始的。其次,根据联邦性交易法证明某人犯有性交易罪所需的要素激励检察官在整个调查过程中依赖受害者的证词及其合作。这对受害者来说可能而且经常是心理上的创伤。第三,大多数案件是通过传统的三方结构来看待的,涉及贩运者、受害者和性行为的购买者 (johns)。然而,最近对 Jeffrey Epstein 和生活方式品牌 NXIVM 的高调性贩运指控表明,贩运计划通常比三方结构复杂得多,并且涉及许多其他参与或参与非法行为的个人。因此,联邦当局调查性交易的方式可以而且应该重新设想。将这些知识与对背负调查直至定罪的负担的受害者心理影响的进一步研究相结合,性交易调查人员可以参考司法部反托拉斯司使用的起诉策略。自 1993 年以来,反垄断部门一直在实施其大赦计划,它赋予那些参与或了解非法定价计划并自愿将这些信息提供给政府的人的豁免权。该部门的宽大处理计划取得了巨大的成功,因为该部门 90% 以上的案件现在都是由特赦合作者开始的。该评论建议可以使用类似的宽大处理计划来调查性交易。宽大处理计划承认上面列出的三个现实:它适合识别案件的被动过程,它减轻受害者开始调查的负担,它承认还有许多其他人可以提供有关非法贩运的信息。因为现在该部门超过 90% 的案件都是从特赦合作者开始的。该评论建议可以使用类似的宽大处理计划来调查性交易。宽大处理计划承认上面列出的三个现实:它适合识别案件的被动过程,它减轻受害者开始调查的负担,它承认还有许多其他人可以提供有关非法贩运的信息。因为现在该部门超过 90% 的案件都是从特赦合作者开始的。该评论建议可以使用类似的宽大处理计划来调查性交易。宽大处理计划承认上面列出的三个现实:它适合识别案件的被动过程,它减轻受害者开始调查的负担,它承认还有许多其他人可以提供有关非法贩运的信息。

引用为:埃文·宾德(Evan Binder),远离交通:应用白领调查策略来增加对性交易案件的侦查,112 J. Crim。L. & 犯罪学 631 (2022)。
