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Botánica Sephardica
Comparative Studies in Society and History ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-18 , DOI: 10.1017/s0010417522000160
Sarah Abrevaya Stein

This article traces the genealogy of a Jewish-owned botánica located in East Harlem in the 1930s and 1940s. Botánicas are understood to manifest an intricate, transatlantic religious, spiritual, and healing world, offering herbal products, sacramental goods, ritual implements, and counseling to Italian, Latinx, Black, and Caribbean practitioners of folk Catholicism, herbalism, hoodoo, Vodou, Santería, Espiritismo, Curanderismo, Òrìṣà worship and other ethnomedical and spiritual systems. Yet this botánica was owned by an Eastern Mediterranean Jew from the Ottoman/Italian island of Rhodes, and it integrated Sephardic and Mediterranean histories and sources of inspiration. Extraordinarily, this history stands for a greater whole. Jews were pioneering spiritual merchants in the United States. Restoring their history requires journeying globally, beginning with Ottomans’ fidelity to herbalism; tracing émigré Sephardic Jews’ uneven dialogue with Black African men and women in colonial Central and Southern Africa; and delving into the commercial, spiritual, and racial interplay furthered by Jewish-owned pharmacies and botánicas in New York City, Baltimore, Atlanta, Memphis, Charleston, Chicago, and Los Angeles and by Jewish spiritual merchants and their Caribbean, Latinx, and Black patrons. All this introduces an unexpected Jewish and Mediterranean history to the botánica, and an unexpectedly multifarious spiritual, mercantile, and racial dimension to Jewish history.



本文追溯了 1930 年代和 1940 年代位于东哈莱姆区的犹太人拥有的植物的系谱。Botánicas 被理解为体现了一个错综复杂的跨大西洋宗教、精神和治疗世界,为意大利、拉丁裔、黑人和加勒比地区的民间天主教、草药学、不祥之物、Vodou、Santería 的从业者提供草药产品、圣礼物品、仪式工具和咨询、Espiritismo、Curanderismo、Òrìṣà 崇拜和其他民族医学和精神系统。然而,这家植物园归一位来自奥斯曼/意大利罗德岛的东地中海犹太人所有,它融合了西班牙和地中海的历史和灵感来源。不同寻常的是,这段历史代表了一个更大的整体。犹太人是美国精神商人的先驱。恢复他们的历史需要环球旅行,从奥斯曼人对草药学的忠诚开始;追踪移民中部和南部非洲的西班牙裔犹太人与非洲黑人男女的不平衡对话;并深入研究纽约市、巴尔的摩、亚特兰大、孟菲斯、查尔斯顿、芝加哥和洛杉矶的犹太人拥有的药店和植物园,以及犹太精神商人及其加勒比、拉丁和黑人的商业、精神和种族相互作用老板们。所有这一切都为植物园带来了一段意想不到的犹太和地中海历史,并为犹太历史带来了意想不到的多元精神、商业和种族维度。纽约市、巴尔的摩、亚特兰大、孟菲斯、查尔斯顿、芝加哥和洛杉矶的犹太人拥有的药店和植物园,以及犹太精神商人及其加勒比、拉丁裔和黑人赞助人,进一步促进了种族互动。所有这一切都为植物园带来了一段意想不到的犹太和地中海历史,并为犹太历史带来了意想不到的多元精神、商业和种族维度。纽约市、巴尔的摩、亚特兰大、孟菲斯、查尔斯顿、芝加哥和洛杉矶的犹太人拥有的药店和植物园,以及犹太精神商人及其加勒比、拉丁裔和黑人赞助人,进一步促进了种族互动。所有这一切都为植物园带来了一段意想不到的犹太和地中海历史,并为犹太历史带来了意想不到的多元精神、商业和种族维度。
