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Local divergence and obstacles to spur inclusive coastal development in Iloilo Province, the Philippines
Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-16 , DOI: 10.1002/app5.348
Edo Andriesse 1

This purpose of this article is to demonstrate (1) how growing seaweed in the central Philippines is affected by multifaceted local dynamics and (2) how it is also dependent on the complementary livelihood strategies of in situ and ex situ diversification. This article explores the livelihood trajectories of 45 households that were all engaged in growing seaweed in 2015. Surveys and semi-structured interviews were conducted with households and key informants in two municipalities. Results reveal a process of livelihood divergence. While in one municipality growing seaweed has become a relative success, virtually all households in the other municipality have had to stop growing seaweed, returned to fishing, and remained poor. The reasons for this divergence can be found in the spheres of environmental challenges, value chain governance dynamics, and local coastal governance. Three implications are put forward that could improve the inclusiveness of coastal development in the Philippines and beyond.



本文的目的是展示 (1) 菲律宾中部的海藻生长如何受到多方面当地动态的影响,以及 (2) 它如何依赖原地和非原地多样化的互补生计策略。本文探讨了 2015 年全部从事海藻种植的 45 户家庭的生计轨迹。对两个直辖市的家庭和主要知情人进行了调查和半结构化访谈。结果揭示了生计分化的过程。虽然在一个城市种植海藻已经取得了相对成功,但几乎其他城市的所有家庭都不得不停止种植海藻,重新开始捕鱼,并且仍然贫穷。这种分歧的原因可以在环境挑战、价值链治理动态、和地方沿海治理。提出了三个影响,可以提高菲律宾及其他地区沿海开发的包容性。