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Embedding Metal in the Interface of a p-n Heterojunction with a Stack Design for Superior Z-Scheme Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-08-26 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b07754
Wenjie Yin 1 , Lijie Bai 1 , Yuzhen Zhu 1 , Shuxian Zhong 1 , Leihong Zhao 1 , Zhengquan Li 1 , Song Bai 1

The construction of a p-n heterojunction is an efficient strategy to resolve the limited light absorption and serious charge-carrier recombination in semiconductors and enhance the photocatalytic activity. However, the promotion effect is greatly limited by poor interfacial charge transfer efficiency as well as reduced redox ability of charge carriers. In this work, we demonstrate that the embedding of metal Pd into the interface between n-type C3N4 and p-type Cu2O can further enhance the interfacial charge transfer and increase the redox ability of charge carriers through the design of the C3N4-Pd-Cu2O stack nanostructure. The embedded Pd nanocubes in the stack structure not only trap the charge carriers from the semiconductors in promoting the electron–hole separation but also act as a Z-scheme “bridge” in keeping the strong reduction/oxidation ability of the electrons/holes for surface reactions. Furthermore, Pd nanocubes also increase the bonding strength between the two semiconductors. Enabled by this unique design, the hydrogen evolution achieved is dramatically higher than that of its counterpart C3N4-Cu2O structure without Pd embedding. The apparent quantum efficiency (AQE) is 0.9% at 420 nm for the designed C3N4-Pd-Cu2O. This work highlights the rational interfacial design of heterojunctions for enhanced photocatalytic performance.



pn异质结的构建是解决半导体中有限的光吸收和严重的电荷-载流子复合并增强光催化活性的有效策略。但是,促进作用受到界面电荷转移效率差以及载流子氧化还原能力降低的极大限制。在这项工作中,我们证明了通过将Pd嵌入n型C 3 N 4和p型Cu 2 O之间的界面中,可以进一步增强界面电荷转移并提高电荷载流子的氧化还原能力。 C 3 N 4-钯-铜2O堆栈纳米结构。堆叠结构中嵌入的Pd纳米立方体不仅捕获半导体中的电荷载流子以促进电子与空穴的分离,而且还充当Z方案的“桥梁”,以保持电子/空穴对表面的强还原/氧化能力。反应。此外,Pd纳米立方体还提高了两个半导体之间的键合强度。通过这种独特的设计,实现的氢气释放量大大高于没有嵌入Pd的C 3 N 4 -Cu 2 O结构。设计的C 3 N 4 -Pd-Cu 2在420 nm处的表观量子效率(AQE)为0.9%O.这项工作强调了异质结的合理界面设计,以增强光催化性能。