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Extreme solar events
Living Reviews in Solar Physics ( IF 23.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s41116-022-00033-8
Edward W. Cliver , Carolus J. Schrijver , Kazunari Shibata , Ilya G. Usoskin

We trace the evolution of research on extreme solar and solar-terrestrial events from the 1859 Carrington event to the rapid development of the last twenty years. Our focus is on the largest observed/inferred/theoretical cases of sunspot groups, flares on the Sun and Sun-like stars, coronal mass ejections, solar proton events, and geomagnetic storms. The reviewed studies are based on modern observations, historical or long-term data including the auroral and cosmogenic radionuclide record, and Kepler observations of Sun-like stars. We compile a table of 100- and 1000-year events based on occurrence frequency distributions for the space weather phenomena listed above. Questions considered include the Sun-like nature of superflare stars and the existence of impactful but unpredictable solar "black swans" and extreme "dragon king" solar phenomena that can involve different physics from that operating in events which are merely large.



我们追溯了极端太阳和日地事件研究的演变,从 1859 年卡灵顿事件到过去二十年的快速发展。我们的重点是太阳黑子群、太阳和类太阳恒星上的耀斑、日冕物质抛射、太阳质子事件和地磁风暴的最大观测/推断/理论案例。审查的研究基于现代观测、历史或长期数据,包括极光和宇宙成因放射性核素记录以及类太阳恒星的开普勒观测。我们根据上述空间天气现象的发生频率分布编制了 100 年和 1000 年事件表。考虑的问题包括超级耀斑恒星的类似太阳的性质,以及影响深远但不可预测的太阳“黑天鹅”和极端“龙王”太阳现象的存在,这些现象可能涉及与仅在大型事件中运行的不同物理现象。
