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Effect of Milling on the Magnetic Properties of the Fe7S8 and Fe7Se8 Compounds
Physics of Metals and Metallography ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-10 , DOI: 10.1134/s0031918x22030024
D. F. Akramov 1 , N. V. Selezneva 1 , E. M. Sherokalova 1 , D. K. Kuznetsov 1 , P. N. G. Ibrahim 2 , V. V. Maikov 3 , N. V. Baranov 3


—X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and magnetic measurements are used to study the structure and magnetic properties of layered ferrimagnetic Fe7S8 and Fe7Se8 compounds depending on the milling time in a ball mill. The milling is shown to lead to the abrupt decrease in the coherent domain size, increase in microstresses, suppression of magnetization anomalies related to low-temperature phase transformations, substantial decrease in the resulting magnetization, and nonmonotonic change in the coercive force. The observed changes in the behavior of magnetization are discussed taking into account the possible redistribution of vacancies in the cation layer in the course of mechanical treatment.


研磨对 Fe7S8 和 Fe7Se8 化合物磁性能的影响


— X 射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜和磁测量用于研究层状亚铁磁性 Fe 7 S 8和 Fe 7 Se 8化合物在球磨机中的研磨时间的结构和磁性。铣削显示导致共格域尺寸的突然减小、微应力的增加、与低温相变相关的磁化异常的抑制、所得磁化的显着降低以及矫顽力的非单调变化。考虑到在机械处理过程中阳离子层中空位的可能重新分布,讨论了观察到的磁化行为的变化。
