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NMR Study of AgInTe2 at Normal and High Pressures
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-09 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c00575
Robin Guehne 1 , Carsten Kattinger 1 , Marko Bertmer 1 , Simon Welzmiller 2 , Oliver Oeckler 2 , Jürgen Haase 1

The ternary semiconductor AgInTe2 is a thermoelectric material with a chalcopyrite-type structure, which is believed to transform into a rocksalt-type structure under high pressure. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is considered to provide unique insight into material properties on interatomic length scales, especially in the context of structural phase transitions. Here, 115In and 125Te NMR analyses are used to study AgInTe2 for ambient conditions and pressures up to 5 GPa. Magnetic field-dependent and magic angle spinning (MAS) experiments of 125Te prove strongly enhanced internuclear couplings, as well as a distribution of isotropic chemical shifts, suggesting a certain degree of cation disorder. The indirect nuclear coupling is smaller for 115In, as well as the chemical shift distribution in agreement with the crystal structure. 115In NMR is further governed by a small quadrupolar interaction (νQ ≈ 90 kHz) and shows an orders of magnitude faster nuclear relaxation in comparison to that of 125Te. At a pressure of about 3GPa, the 115In quadrupole interaction increases sharply to about 2400 kHz, indicating a phase transition to a structure with a well-defined though noncubic local symmetry, while the 115In shift suggests no significant changes of the electronic structure. The NMR signal is lost above about 5 GPa (at least up to about 10 GPa). However, upon releasing the pressure, a signal is recovered that points to the reported metastable ambient pressure phase with a high degree of disorder.


AgInTe2 在常压和高压下的 NMR 研究

三元半导体AgInTe 2是一种具有黄铜矿型结构的热电材料,据信在高压下会转变为岩盐型结构。核磁共振 (NMR) 被认为可以对原子间长度尺度上的材料特性提供独特的见解,尤其是在结构相变的背景下。在这里,115 In 和125 Te NMR 分析用于研究 AgInTe 2在环境条件和高达 5 GPa 的压力下。125的磁场相关和魔角旋转 (MAS) 实验Te 证明强烈增强的核间耦合,以及各向同性化学位移的分布,表明一定程度的阳离子无序。115 In的间接核耦合较小,化学位移分布与晶体结构一致。115 In NMR 进一步受小四极相互作用 (ν Q ≈ 90 kHz) 的控制,与125 Te相比,核弛豫速度快了一个数量级。在大约 3GPa 的压力下,115 In 四极相互作用急剧增加到大约 2400 kHz,表明相变到具有明确定义但非立方局部对称的结构,而115In shift 表明电子结构没有显着变化。超过约 5 GPa(至少高达约 10 GPa)时,NMR 信号会丢失。然而,在释放压力后,会恢复一个信号,该信号指向所报告的具有高度无序的亚稳态环境压力相。