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Constrained optimization problems governed by PDE models of grain boundary motions
Advances in Nonlinear Analysis ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-20 , DOI: 10.1515/anona-2022-0242
Harbir Antil 1 , Shodai Kubota 2 , Ken Shirakawa 3 , Noriaki Yamazaki 4

In this article, we consider a class of optimal control problems governed by state equations of Kobayashi-Warren-Carter-type. The control is given by physical temperature. The focus is on problems in dimensions less than or equal to 4. The results are divided into four Main Theorems, concerned with: solvability and parameter dependence of state equations and optimal control problems; the first-order necessary optimality conditions for these regularized optimal control problems. Subsequently, we derive the limiting systems and optimality conditions and study their well-posedness.


由晶界运动的 PDE 模型控制的约束优化问题

在本文中,我们考虑一类由 Kobayashi-Warren-Carter 型状态方程控制的最优控制问题。控制由物理温度给出。重点是维度小于或等于4的问题。结果分为四个主要定理,涉及:状态方程的可解性和参数依赖性以及最优控制问题;这些正则化最优控制问题的一阶必要最优性条件。随后,我们推导了限制系统和最优条件,并研究了它们的适定性。