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Editorial: Nature and equity in the city
Environment and Urbanization ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-26 , DOI: 10.1177/09562478221084547
Sarah Colenbrander

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in January 2020, millions of people around the world have endured lockdowns. Traffic stilled, shops closed, and streets emptied in formerly bustling cities: Cape Town, Delhi, Jakarta, Melbourne, Mexico City, Milan, New York, Wuhan, and thousands more. During the long weeks and months, urban residents lucky enough to have access to green and blue space cherished it more than ever. Time spent in parks or along waterways became precious after hours spent indoors. Many found consolation from grief or loneliness in these environments, while others delighted in heretofore undiscovered pockets of nature in their neighbourhood.



自 2020 年 1 月 COVID-19 大流行开始以来,全球有数百万人经历了封锁。在以前繁华的城市:开普敦、德里、雅加达、墨尔本、墨西哥城、米兰、纽约、武汉等数以千计的城市,交通停滞,商店关门,街道空空荡荡。在漫长的几周和几个月里,有幸能够接触到绿色和蓝色空间的城市居民比以往任何时候都更加珍惜它。在室内度过数小时后,在公园或沿水道度过的时间变得宝贵。许多人在这些环境中从悲伤或孤独中找到了安慰,而另一些人则在他们附近尚未发现的大自然中感到高兴。