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Workplace Disruption in the Public Sector and HRM Practices to Enhance Employee Resilience
Review of Public Personnel Administration ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-06 , DOI: 10.1177/0734371x221095399
Phil Kim 1 , Wonhyuk Cho 2 , In Yang 1

This article aims to analyze workplace dynamics in the public sector under highly disruptive environments. Survey data collected from 1,430 public employees in South Korea reveal that workload and work intensity have increased 13% to 15% on average compared to pre-pandemic conditions. Yet this impact on working conditions seems to be unevenly distributed across the public sector; the proportion of pandemic-affected workforce in each public organization ranged from 10% to 80%. More than 70% reported flexible work arrangements in place to alleviate the disruption, though less than 20% enjoyed access to occupational health and safety consultation to handle this change. We found that baby boomer men, who have the fewest family responsibilities, are most satisfied with flexible work arrangements, while millennial women, with the most domestic commitments, are least satisfied, leaving ample room for improvement. Results of a randomized survey experiment showed that resilience-enhancing Human Resource Management (HRM) practices such as special leave assistance programs influenced civil servants’ perceptions of workload and work intensity. Higher levels of satisfaction with resilience-enhancing HRM were found to be associated with lower levels of turnover intention, though this relationship was weaker among employees whose work became too intense or heavy (“numbing effect”) under the pandemic.


公共部门的工作场所中断和 HRM 实践以增强员工的应变能力

本文旨在分析高度破坏性环境下公共部门的工作场所动态。从韩国 1,430 名公职人员收集的调查数据显示,与大流行前的情况相比,工作量和工作强度平均增加了 13% 至 15%。然而,这种对工作条件的影响似乎在公共部门中分布不均;每个公共组织中受大流行影响的劳动力比例从 10% 到 80% 不等。超过 70% 的受访者表示已采取灵活的工作安排以减轻干扰,但只有不到 20% 的受访者享受职业健康和安全咨询以应对这一变化。我们发现,家庭责任最少的婴儿潮一代男性对灵活的工作安排最满意,而千禧一代女性,国内承诺最多,最不满意,还有很大的提升空间。一项随机调查实验的结果表明,增强复原力的人力资源管理 (HRM) 实践(例如特殊休假援助计划)会影响公务员对工作量和工作强度的看法。人们发现,对增强弹性的人力资源管理的更高满意度与较低的离职意愿相关,尽管这种关系在大流行下工作变得过于紧张或繁重(“麻木效应”)的员工中较弱。一项随机调查实验的结果表明,增强复原力的人力资源管理 (HRM) 实践(例如特殊休假援助计划)会影响公务员对工作量和工作强度的看法。人们发现,对增强弹性的人力资源管理的更高满意度与较低的离职意愿相关,尽管这种关系在大流行下工作变得过于紧张或繁重(“麻木效应”)的员工中较弱。一项随机调查实验的结果表明,增强复原力的人力资源管理 (HRM) 实践(例如特殊休假援助计划)会影响公务员对工作量和工作强度的看法。人们发现,对增强弹性的人力资源管理的更高满意度与较低的离职意愿相关,尽管这种关系在大流行下工作变得过于紧张或繁重(“麻木效应”)的员工中较弱。
