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Teleworking at Different Locations Outside the Office: Consequences for Perceived Performance and the Mediating Role of Autonomy and Work-Life Balance Satisfaction
Review of Public Personnel Administration ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-04 , DOI: 10.1177/0734371x221087421
Samantha Alexandra Metselaar 1 , Laura den Dulk 1 , Brenda Vermeeren 1

Enhanced communication technologies increasingly allow us to work anytime and anywhere. Many organizations have moved from traditional offices to flexible workplaces in which employees are allowed to vary their work hours and work at different locations both outside and inside the office. So far, findings are inconclusive regarding the effects of teleworking and few studies have examined its use by employees. Our study, which addresses the pre-COVID-19 context, is based on COR theory and explores how employees working in a Dutch public sector organization (N = 873) use teleworking and what the consequences of this are for individual perceived performance. With respect to teleworking, we focus on time spent working from home and time spent working elsewhere. To test hypotheses, we conducted SEM in AMOS using a two-step approach. Mediation analysis showed that the paths from teleworking to performance via autonomy and work-life balance satisfaction were significant for working from home.



增强的通信技术越来越使我们能够随时随地工作。许多组织已经从传统的办公室转移到灵活的工作场所,允许员工改变工作时间并在办公室内外的不同地点工作。到目前为止,关于远程工作的影响的研究结果尚无定论,很少有研究检查员工对远程工作的使用。我们的研究针对 COVID-19 之前的背景,基于 COR 理论,探讨了员工如何在荷兰公共部门组织 ( N = 873) 使用远程办公以及这对个人感知绩效的影响。关于远程办公,我们关注在家工作的时间和在其他地方工作的时间。为了检验假设,我们使用两步法在 AMOS 中进行了 SEM。中介分析表明,通过自主和工作与生活平衡满意度从远程工作到绩效的路径对于在家工作具有重要意义。
