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The Best of Two Worlds: A Systematic Review on Combining Real and Virtual Experiments in Science Education
Review of Educational Research ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-06 , DOI: 10.3102/00346543221079417
Salome Wörner 1, 2, 3 , Jochen Kuhn 2 , Katharina Scheiter 3, 4

Conducting experiments fosters conceptual understanding in science education. In various studies, combinations of real (hands-on) and virtual (computer-simulated) experiments have been shown to be especially helpful for gaining conceptual understanding. The present systematic review, based on 42 experimental studies, focuses on the following: (1) What is the relative effectiveness of combining real and virtual experiments compared with a single type of experimentation? (2) Which sequence of real and virtual experiments is most effective? The results indicate that (1) in most cases combinations of real and virtual experiments promote conceptual understanding better than a single type of experimentation, and (2) there is no evidence for the superiority of a particular sequence. We conclude that for combining real and virtual experiments, apart from the individual affordances and the learning objectives of the different experiment types, especially their specific function for the learning task must be considered.



进行实验可以促进科学教育中的概念理解。在各种研究中,真实(动手)和虚拟(计算机模拟)实验的组合已被证明对获得概念理解特别有帮助。本系统综述基于 42 项实验研究,重点关注以下方面:(1)与单一类型的实验相比,结合真实和虚拟实验的相对有效性是什么?(2) 真实和虚拟实验的哪个序列最有效?结果表明(1)在大多数情况下,真实和虚拟实验的组合比单一类型的实验更能促进概念理解,(2)没有证据表明特定序列的优越性。我们得出结论,对于结合真实和虚拟实验,
