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Robbed and Dispossessed: The Emotional Impact of Property Loss during the German Occupation of the Netherlands, 1940–1945
Journal of Modern European History ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-28 , DOI: 10.1177/16118944221095633
Jeroen Kemperman 1 , Hinke Piersma 1

During the occupation of the Netherlands, the Jewish population was systematically robbed and deprived of their property rights. Their economic and social isolation went hand in hand with a loss of social status, connectedness, security and identity, as homes were expropriated and furniture was confiscated. The process of depriving the Jews of everything they owned, which happened with such apparent ease by the seemingly all-powerful authorities, had a profound impact on the victims that went far beyond mere material loss. Furthermore, after the war, the restitution process confronted the survivors with bureaucratic procedures and formalities that evoked negative feelings among the persecuted victims. A strictly quantitative approach to compensation for the loss of furniture and other household items therefore seems to fall short. The view of loss as something that can be compensated with money does not take into account the psychological aspects of losing those personal possessions. This article pleads for a more qualitative approach to the subject of looting and restitution, free from the limitations imposed by the quantitative scope of official archives. The authors suggest that future research should relate more to the link between ‘dignity taking’ – a term that was coined by Bernadette Atuahene, professor of Law in Chicago – and ‘emotional loss’. Looking into property loss from an emotional perspective will teach us more about the fragility of settledness against the backdrop of occupation and persecution.


被抢劫和被剥夺:1940-1945 年德国占领荷兰期间财产损失的情感影响

在荷兰被占领期间,犹太人被系统地抢劫并剥夺了他们的财产权。随着房屋被征用和家具被没收,他们的经济和社会孤立伴随着社会地位、联系、安全和身份的丧失。看似无所不能的当局轻而易举地剥夺了犹太人所拥有的一切,这对受害者产生了深远的影响,远远超出了单纯的物质损失。此外,战后,赔偿过程使幸存者面临官僚程序和手续,这些程序和手续在受迫害的受害者中引起了负面情绪。因此,对家具和其他家居用品的损失进行严格量化的补偿方法似乎还不够。将损失视为可以用金钱补偿的东西的观点没有考虑到失去这些个人财产的心理方面。本文呼吁对掠夺和归还问题采取更定性的方法,不受官方档案定量范围的限制。作者建议,未来的研究应该更多地与“尊严获取”(由芝加哥法学教授 Bernadette Atuahene 创造的术语)和“情感损失”之间的联系相关联。从情感角度看待财产损失将让我们更多地了解在占领和迫害背景下定居的脆弱性。本文呼吁对掠夺和归还问题采取更定性的方法,不受官方档案定量范围的限制。作者建议,未来的研究应该更多地与“尊严获取”(由芝加哥法学教授 Bernadette Atuahene 创造的术语)和“情感损失”之间的联系相关联。从情感角度看待财产损失将让我们更多地了解在占领和迫害背景下定居的脆弱性。本文呼吁对掠夺和归还问题采取更定性的方法,不受官方档案定量范围的限制。作者建议,未来的研究应该更多地与“尊严获取”(由芝加哥法学教授 Bernadette Atuahene 创造的术语)和“情感损失”之间的联系相关联。从情感角度看待财产损失将让我们更多地了解在占领和迫害背景下定居的脆弱性。芝加哥法学教授——以及“情绪失落”。从情感角度看待财产损失将让我们更多地了解在占领和迫害背景下定居的脆弱性。芝加哥法学教授——以及“情绪失落”。从情感角度看待财产损失将让我们更多地了解在占领和迫害背景下定居的脆弱性。