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Directional and Polarized Lasing Action on Pb-free FASnI3 Integrated in Flexible Optical Waveguides
Advanced Optical Materials ( IF 8.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-02 , DOI: 10.1002/adom.202200458
Isaac Suárez 1 , Vladimir S. Chirvony 2 , Jesús Sánchez‐Díaz 3 , Rafael S. Sánchez 3 , Iván Mora‐Seró 3 , Juan P. Martínez‐Pastor 2

In this work, high-quality FASnI3 (FA, formamidinium) lead-free perovskite thin films are successfully incorporated in a flexible polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrate to demonstrate amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) and lasing. The waveguide (WG) consists of polymethylmethacrylate(PMMA)/FASnI3 bilayer deposited on a PET substrate and is properly designed to allow single-mode propagation at the photoluminescence wavelength. This geometry optimizes the excitation of the emitting FASnI3, enhances the light−matter interaction in the semiconductor thin film, provides a preferable direction for the emitted light and allows its direct outcoupling for on-chip or fiber-optic applications. As far as the authors know, ASE and random lasing are obtained for the first time in a flexible-based WG integrating a highly efficient lead-free perovskite. The high quality of the deposited films and the optimized design of the structure result in an extremely low ASE/lasing threshold in the range of 1 µJ cm−2, which is only ten times higher than that measured in the same PMMA/FASnI3 structure deposited on a rigid substrate (Si/SiO2). More interestingly, these WGs exhibit a strong polarization anisotropy for the outcoupled ASE/lasing light with a preferable transverse electric polarization. This work is the base for the future development of ecofriendly, flexible, and efficient photonic devices.


集成在柔性光波导中的无铅 FASnI3 的定向和偏振激光作用

在这项工作中,高质量的 FASnI 3 (FA, 甲脒) 无铅钙钛矿薄膜成功地结合到柔性聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 (PET) 基板中,以展示放大的自发发射 (ASE) 和激光。波导 (WG) 由沉积在 PET 基板上的聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 (PMMA)/FASnI 3双层组成,并经过适当设计以允许在光致发光波长下进行单模传播。这种几何结构优化了发射 FASnI 3的激发,增强了半导体薄膜中的光-物质相互作用,为发射光提供了一个优选的方向,并允许其直接外耦合用于片上或光纤应用。据作者所知,ASE 和随机激光是第一次在集成了高效无铅钙钛矿的柔性 WG 中获得。沉积膜的高质量和结构的优化设计导致 ASE/激光阈值在 1 µJ cm -2范围内极低,仅比在相同 PMMA/FASnI 3结构中测量的值高十倍沉积在刚性基板(Si/SiO 2)。更有趣的是,这些 WG 对耦合的 ASE/激光具有较强的偏振各向异性,具有较好的横向极化。这项工作是未来开发环保、灵活和高效的光子器件的基础。