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A highly selective superphane for ReO4− recognition and extraction
Cell Reports Physical Science ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrp.2022.100875
Wei Zhou 1 , Aimin Li 1 , Philip A. Gale 2, 3 , Qing He 1

Highly selective anion recognition and extraction is challenging and yet critical for removal of pollutants from the environment and the effective recovery of valuable chemicals from low-content (at sub-ppm or ppb level) sources. In this paper, we detail the gram-scale synthesis of a superphane 2, an anion receptor that selectively binds ReO4. Superphane 2 can extract perrhenate from solid mixtures containing traces of ReO4 anion (as low as 200 ppb) and aqueous media with near 100% selectivity over large excesses of competing anions. Meanwhile, up to 99.99% of ReO4 can be separated from complex simulated aqueous waste streams containing ppm-level perrhenate via either liquid-liquid extraction or simple column adsorption. Importantly, after extraction or adsorption, superphane 2 can be recycled and reused by simple treatment with aqueous NaHCO3.


用于 ReO4− 识别和提取的高选择性超烷

高度选择性的阴离子识别和提取具有挑战性,但对于从环境中去除污染物以及从低含量(亚 ppm 或 ppb 水平)来源有效回收有价值的化学物质至关重要。在本文中,我们详细介绍了 superphane 2的克级合成,这是一种选择性结合 ReO 4 -的阴离子受体。Superphane 2可以从含有痕量 ReO 4 -阴离子(低至 200 ppb)的固体混合物和水性介质中提取高铼酸盐,对大量过量的竞争阴离子具有接近 100% 的选择性。同时,高达 99.99% 的 ReO 4 -可以通过液-液萃取或简单的柱吸附从含有 ppm 级高铼酸盐的复杂模拟废水流中分离。重要的是,在萃取或吸附后,超烷2可以通过简单的 NaHCO 3水溶液处理进行回收和再利用。
