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Study of the Al–V Alloy Density to Optimize the Conditions of Producing Powders for 3D Printing
Russian Metallurgy (Metally) ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-26 , DOI: 10.1134/s0036029522020173
V. G. Shevchenko 1 , D. A. Eselevich 1 , M. N. Baklanov 1, 2 , V. E. Sidorov 3 , B. A. Rusanov 3


The densities of aluminum and the alloys based on it and containing 3 and 5 wt % V are studied by penetrating gamma radiation in the temperature range 300–1500 K. When temperature increases, the sample density is shown to decrease jumpwise, which is associated with transition into a liquid state. After melting, a nonmonotonic change in the density is observed due to the presence of intermetallic compounds with different melting temperatures in the studied field of the Al–V phase diagram. The structural features of the melts are used to optimize the production of Al–V powders for 3D printing by selective laser melting.


研究 Al-V 合金密度以优化 3D 打印粉末的生产条件


通过在 300-1500 K 温度范围内穿透伽马辐射,研究了铝和基于它的合金的密度,其中包含 3 和 5 wt% V。当温度升高时,样品密度显示为跳跃式降低,这与转变为液态。熔化后,由于在 Al-V 相图的研究领域中存在具有不同熔化温度的金属间化合物,因此观察到密度的非单调变化。熔体的结构特征用于通过选择性激光熔化优化用于 3D 打印的 Al-V 粉末的生产。
