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Solvent Selective Effect Occurs in Iodinated Adamantanone Ferroelectrics
Advanced Science ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-25 , DOI: 10.1002/advs.202201702 Lei Xu 1 , Yao Zhang 1 , Huan-Huan Jiang 1 , Nan Zhang 1 , Ren-Gen Xiong 1 , Han-Yue Zhang 2
Advanced Science ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-25 , DOI: 10.1002/advs.202201702 Lei Xu 1 , Yao Zhang 1 , Huan-Huan Jiang 1 , Nan Zhang 1 , Ren-Gen Xiong 1 , Han-Yue Zhang 2
Organic ferroelectrics, as a type of crystalline compound, are generally solution processing. However, for most crystalline compounds, the changing of solvent would not influence the crystalline phase, let alone their physical performance. Here, the solvent selective effect occurs in the iodinated adamantanone ferroelectrics. By changing the solvent with different polarities, the ferroelectric crystals can be induced in two different phases, which is unprecedented to the knowledge. More strikingly, this solvent-induced transformation could realize the physical performance optimization in the orthorhombic phase (orth-I-OA, obtained from ethanol) with a stronger second harmonic generation (SHG) response, greater piezoelectric coefficient d33 of 5 pC N−1, and larger spontaneous polarization (Ps) of 3.43 µC cm−2 than those of monoclinic one (mono-I-OA, obtained from ethyl acetate). Such an intriguing phenomenon might be closely related to solvent polarity. Based on the quantitative and qualitative analyses, the similar interaction energies of these two phases suggest that their transformation could be easily realized via changing the solvent. This work provides new insights into the chemical design and performance optimization of organic ferroelectrics.
有机铁电体作为一种结晶化合物,一般采用溶液加工。然而,对于大多数结晶化合物,溶剂的变化不会影响结晶相,更不用说它们的物理性能了。这里,溶剂选择效应发生在碘化金刚烷酮铁电体中。通过改变不同极性的溶剂,铁电晶体可以被诱导成两个不同的相,这在知识上是前所未有的。更引人注目的是,这种溶剂诱导的转变可以实现正交晶相(从乙醇中获得的正交-I-OA)中的物理性能优化,具有更强的二次谐波产生(SHG)响应,更大的压电系数d 33为5 pC N - 1, 和比单斜晶系 ( mono -I-OA, 由乙酸乙酯获得) 更大的自发极化 ( Ps ) 为 3.43 µC cm -2 。这种有趣的现象可能与溶剂极性密切相关。基于定量和定性分析,这两个相的相似相互作用能表明它们的转变可以通过改变溶剂很容易实现。这项工作为有机铁电体的化学设计和性能优化提供了新的见解。
有机铁电体作为一种结晶化合物,一般采用溶液加工。然而,对于大多数结晶化合物,溶剂的变化不会影响结晶相,更不用说它们的物理性能了。这里,溶剂选择效应发生在碘化金刚烷酮铁电体中。通过改变不同极性的溶剂,铁电晶体可以被诱导成两个不同的相,这在知识上是前所未有的。更引人注目的是,这种溶剂诱导的转变可以实现正交晶相(从乙醇中获得的正交-I-OA)中的物理性能优化,具有更强的二次谐波产生(SHG)响应,更大的压电系数d 33为5 pC N - 1, 和比单斜晶系 ( mono -I-OA, 由乙酸乙酯获得) 更大的自发极化 ( Ps ) 为 3.43 µC cm -2 。这种有趣的现象可能与溶剂极性密切相关。基于定量和定性分析,这两个相的相似相互作用能表明它们的转变可以通过改变溶剂很容易实现。这项工作为有机铁电体的化学设计和性能优化提供了新的见解。