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A proposal of virtual museum metaverse content for the MZ generation
Digital Creativity ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-19 , DOI: 10.1080/14626268.2022.2063903
Hyun-Kyung Lee 1 , Soobin Park , Yeonji Lee


This paper presents a marketing study of the metaverse's potential audience, particularly focusing on museums' use of cyberspace and how some of their physical functions can be replicated online. Among digital transformations, the metaverse has become one of the most significant alternatives to offline events, with museum exhibitions highly representative of it. However, existing virtual museums fail to attract the MZ generation despite the opportunities arising from their contactless lifestyle. Therefore, this study aims to create new content suggestions that the MZ generation positively reacts to and becomes involved in. This research was conducted through five methods: a literature review, case studies, survey, persona creation, and in-depth interviews. According to the market segmentation and strategy (MS&S) technique, two types of responses were used to create and target two types of personas of potential users—‘explorative persona' and ‘entertaining persona’. This study thus suggests three future directions and content for metaverse virtual museums to better target the MZ generation: technical development for users of both personas, user creation content to enhance user participation for the users of explorative persona, and more active marketing through various community for the users of entertaining persona.




本文介绍了对虚拟世界潜在观众的营销研究,特别关注博物馆对网络空间的使用以及如何在线复制它们的一些物理功能。在数字化转型中,元界已成为线下活动最重要的替代方案之一,博物馆展览极具代表性。然而,现有的虚拟博物馆无法吸引 MZ 一代,尽管他们的非接触式生活方式带来了机会。因此,本研究旨在创造新的内容建议,让 MZ 一代积极响应并参与其中。这项研究通过五种方法进行:文献回顾、案例研究、调查、角色创建和深度访谈。根据市场细分和战略 (MS&S) 技术,两种类型的响应用于创建和定位两种类型的潜在用户角色——“探索性角色”和“娱乐性角色”。因此,本研究为元界虚拟博物馆提出了三个未来方向和内容,以更好地瞄准 MZ 一代:为两种角色的用户开发技术,为探索性角色的用户增强用户参与的用户创建内容,以及通过各种社区进行更积极的营销娱乐角色的用户。
