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Evaluation of the Early Childhood Music Education project’s influence on the development of 3- to 5-year-old children in Andalusia, Spain
British Journal of Music Education ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-21 , DOI: 10.1017/s0265051722000110
Joseph Thapa 1 , José A. Rodríguez-Quiles 2

In 2005, the Barenboim-Said Foundation launched the Early Childhood Music Education project in Andalusia (Spain) to promote music education for young children. Ten years later, an initial study was performed to evaluate the influence of the project on the development of the participating children. The results of this study form part of a broader ongoing research project, in collaboration with the University of Seville, aimed at investigating the influence of the Early Childhood Music Education project on general aspects of child development. This study has a quasi-experimental design, framed in Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, consisting of an experimental and a control group (n = 1101) and the administration of a questionnaire, adapted to measure and compare means between the two groups, as the sole measurement tool. The results, analysed using an independent samples t-test for the comparison of means and Cohen’s d effect size, reveal statistically significant differences in the means of the dimensions of the experimental and control groups. This confirms the hypothesis that the Early Childhood Music Education project has a positive impact on the different dimensions, in accordance with Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences.


早期儿童音乐教育项目对西班牙安达卢西亚 3 至 5 岁儿童发展影响的评估

2005年,巴伦博伊姆赛义德基金会在安达卢西亚(西班牙)启动了幼儿音乐教育项目,以促进幼儿音乐教育。十年后,进行了一项初步研究,以评估该项目对参与儿童发展的影响。这项研究的结果是与塞维利亚大学合作开展的一项更广泛的正在进行的研究项目的一部分,旨在调查幼儿音乐教育项目对儿童发展的一般方面的影响。本研究采用加德纳多元智能理论框架下的准实验设计,由实验组和对照组组成(n= 1101) 和调查问卷的管理,作为唯一的测量工具,适用于测量和比较两组之间的平均值。使用独立样本t检验对结果进行分析,以比较均值和 Cohen 的 d 效应大小,结果表明实验组和对照组的维度均值存在统计学上的显着差异。这证实了根据加德纳的多元智能理论,幼儿音乐教育项目对不同维度产生积极影响的假设。
