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Intestinal virome in patients with alcohol use disorder and after abstinence
Hepatology communications ( IF 5.701 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-02 , DOI: 10.1002/hep4.1947
Cynthia L. Hsu 1 , Xinlian Zhang 2 , Lu Jiang 1, 3 , Sonja Lang 1, 4 , Phillipp Hartmann 1, 5 , David Pride 1, 6, 7 , Derrick E. Fouts 8 , Peter Stärkel 9 , Bernd Schnabl 1, 3, 7

Alcohol use is a leading cause of chronic liver disease worldwide, and changes in the microbiome associated with alcohol use contribute to patients’ risk for liver disease progression. Less is known about the effects of alcohol use on the intestinal viral microbiome (virome) and interactions between bacteriophages and their target bacteria. We studied changes in the intestinal virome of 62 clinically well-characterized patients with alcohol use disorder (AUD) during active alcohol use and after 2 weeks of alcohol abstinence, by extracting virus-like particles and performing metagenomic sequencing. We observed decreased abundance of Propionibacterium, Lactobacillus, and Leuconostoc phages in patients with active AUD when compared with controls, whereas after 2 weeks of alcohol abstinence, patients with AUD demonstrated an increase in the abundance of Propionibacterium, Lactobacillus, and Leuconostoc phages. The intestinal virome signature was also significantly different in patients with AUD with progressive liver disease, with increased abundance of phages targeting Enterobacteria and Lactococcus species phages compared with patients with AUD with nonprogressive liver disease. By performing moderation analyses, we found that progressive liver disease is associated with changes in interactions between some bacteriophages and their respective target bacteria. In summary, active alcohol use and alcohol-associated progressive liver disease are associated with changes in the fecal virome, some of which are partially reversible after a short period of abstinence. Progression of alcohol-associated liver disease is associated with changes in bacteriophage–bacteria interactions.



酒精使用是全球慢性肝病的主要原因,与酒精使用相关的微生物组变化会增加患者肝病进展的风险。关于酒精使用对肠道病毒微生物组(病毒组)的影响以及噬菌体与其目标细菌之间的相互作用知之甚少。我们通过提取病毒样颗粒和进行宏基因组测序,研究了 62 名临床特征良好的酒精使用障碍 (AUD) 患者在积极饮酒期间和戒酒 2 周后肠道病毒组的变化。我们观察到丙酸杆菌乳酸杆菌明串珠菌的丰度降低与对照组相比,活动性 AUD 患者的噬菌体数量增加,而在戒酒 2 周后,AUD 患者表现出丙酸杆菌乳酸杆菌明串珠菌噬菌体的丰度增加。患有进行性肝病的 AUD 患者的肠道病毒组特征也显着不同,靶向肠杆菌乳球菌的噬菌体丰度增加物种噬菌体与非进展性肝病的 AUD 患者进行比较。通过进行适度分析,我们发现进行性肝病与一些噬菌体与其各自目标细菌之间相互作用的变化有关。总之,积极饮酒和酒精相关的进行性肝病与粪便病毒组的变化有关,其中一些在短期戒酒后部分可逆。酒精相关性肝病的进展与噬菌体-细菌相互作用的变化有关。