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Thermally Activated Bright-State Delayed Blue Photoluminescence from InP Quantum Dots
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-19 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c00582
Xingao Zhang 1 , Felix N Castellano 1

Thermally activated delayed photoluminescence (TADPL) generated from organic chromophore-functionalized quantum dots (QDs) is potentially beneficial for persistent light generation, QD-based PL sensors, and photochemical synthesis. While previous research demonstrated that naphthoic acid-functionalized InP QDs can be employed as low-toxicity, blue-emissive TADPL materials, the electron trap states inherent in these nanocrystals inhibited the observation of TADPL emerging from the higher-lying bright states. Here, we address this challenge by employing the heterocyclic aromatic compound 8-quinolinecarboxylic acid (QCA), whose triplet energy is strategically positioned to bypass the electron trap states in InP QDs. Transient absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopies revealed the generation of bright-state TADPL from QCA-functionalized InP QDs resulting from a nearly quantitative Dexter-like triplet–triplet energy transfer (TTET) from photoexcited InP QDs to surface-anchored QCA chromophores followed by reverse TTET from these bound molecules to the InP QDs. This modification resulted in a 119-fold increase in the average PL intensity decay time with respect to the as-synthesized InP QDs.


来自 InP 量子点的热激活亮态延迟蓝色光致发光

由有机发色团功能化量子点 (QD) 产生的热激活延迟光致发光 (TADPL) 可能对持续光产生、基于 QD 的 PL 传感器和光化学合成有益。虽然先前的研究表明,萘甲酸功能化的 InP 量子点可以用作低毒、蓝色发射 TADPL 材料,但这些纳米晶体中固有的电子陷阱状态抑制了对从较高亮状态出现的 TADPL 的观察。在这里,我们通过使用杂环芳族化合物 8-喹啉羧酸 (QCA) 来应对这一挑战,该化合物的三重态能量被战略性地定位以绕过 InP QD 中的电子陷阱状态。瞬态吸收和光致发光光谱揭示了从 QCA 功能化的 InP QD 产生亮态 TADPL,这是由于从光激发的 InP QD 到表面锚定的 QCA 发色团的几乎定量的 Dexter 样三重态 - 三重态能量转移 (TTET),然后是反向 TTET。这些与 InP QD 结合的分子。这种修改导致平均 PL 强度衰减时间相对于合成的 InP QD 增加了 119 倍。