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Layer Number-Dependent Raman Spectra of γ-InSe
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-19 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c00504
Yu-Jia Sun 1, 2 , Si-Min Pang 1, 2 , Jun Zhang 1, 2, 3

The two-dimensional layered semiconductor InSe, with its high carrier mobility, chemical stability, and strong charge transfer ability, plays a crucial role in optoelectronic devices. The number of InSe layers (L) has an important influence on its band structure and optoelectronic properties. Herein we present systematic investigations on few-layer (1L–7L) γ-InSe by optical contrast and Raman spectroscopy. We propose three quantified formulas to quickly identify the layer number using optical contrast, the frequency difference of two A1 modes, and ultralow-frequency Raman spectroscopy, respectively. Moreover, angle-resolved polarization Raman spectra show that γ-InSe is isotropic in the ab plane. Furthermore, using Raman mapping, we find that the relative strength of the low-frequency interlayer shear modes is particularly sensitive to the interaction between the sample and the substrate.


γ-InSe 的层数相关拉曼光谱

二维层状半导体 InSe 以其高载流子迁移率、化学稳定性和强电荷转移能力,在光电器件中发挥着至关重要的作用。InSe层数(L)对其能带结构和光电特性有重要影响。在这里,我们通过光学对比和拉曼光谱对少层(1L-7L)γ-InSe 进行了系统研究。我们提出了三个量化公式,分别使用光学对比度、两个 A 1模式的频率差和超低频拉曼光谱来快速识别层数。此外,角分辨偏振拉曼光谱表明 γ-InSe 在a - b中是各向同性的飞机。此外,使用拉曼映射,我们发现低频层间剪切模式的相对强度对样品和基板之间的相互作用特别敏感。