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State-of-the-art recent developments of large magnetorheological (MR) dampers: a review
Korea-Australia Rheology Journal ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s13367-022-00021-2
Mohammad Abdul Aziz 1 , Sakib Muhtasim 2 , Rubel Ahammed 2

Large MR (MR) dampers are popular due to their higher damping force capabilities which makes them suitable in the field of civil engineering, structural engineering, suspension bridge structure, mining engineering, and agricultural engineering applications. This paper presents a comprehensive review of large MR dampers. The classifications and applications of large MR dampers, the principle of operation, different fluid models, their structural design and control systems are classified and reviewed in this paper. The large MR dampers have higher damping force controllability than conventional MR dampers. The review indicates that the large MR dampers have enough vibration mitigation ability and higher damping performances.


大型磁流变 (MR) 阻尼器的最新发展:综述

大型MR(MR)阻尼器因其较高的阻尼力能力而广受欢迎,使其适用于土木工程、结构工程、悬索桥结构、采矿工程和农业工程应用领域。本文全面回顾了大型 MR 阻尼器。本文对大型磁流变阻尼器的分类和应用、工作原理、不同的流体模型、结构设计和控制系统进行了分类和综述。与传统的 MR 阻尼器相比,大型 MR 阻尼器具有更高的阻尼力可控性。审查表明,大型MR阻尼器具有足够的减振能力和更高的阻尼性能。
