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Climate Competence: Youth Climate Activism and Its Impact on International Human Rights Law
Human Rights Law Review ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-21 , DOI: 10.1093/hrlr/ngac011
Aoife Daly

Those who are under-18 are not often associated with the exercise of political rights. It is argued in this article however that youth-led climate activism is highlighting the extensive potential that children and young people have for political activism. Moreover, youth activists have come to be seen by many as uniquely competent on climate change. Youth activists have moved from the streets to the courts, utilising national and international human rights law mechanisms to further their cause. They are not the first to do so, and the extent of their impact is as yet unclear. Nevertheless, it is argued here that through applications such as Saachi (an application to the Committee on the Rights of the Child) and Duarte Agostinho (an application to the ECtHR) they are shifting the human-centric, highly procedural arena of international human rights law towards an approach which better encompasses person-environment connections.



18 岁以下的人通常与行使政治权利无关。然而,本文认为,以青年为主导的气候激进主义正在突出儿童和青年在政治激进主义方面的广泛潜力。此外,许多人认为青年活动家在气候变化方面具有独特的能力。青年活动家已经从街头走向法庭,利用国家和国际人权法机制来推进他们的事业。他们不是第一个这样做的,他们的影响程度尚不清楚。尽管如此,这里有人认为,通过诸如 Saachi(向儿童权利委员会提出的申请)和 Duarte Agostinho(向 ECtHR 提出的申请)等申请,他们正在改变以人为中心,