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A novel and affordable bioaugmentation strategy with microbial extracts to accelerate the biodegradation of emerging contaminants in different media
Science of the Total Environment ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155234
Inés Aguilar-Romero 1 , Pieter van Dillewijn 1 , Joseph Nesme 2 , Søren J Sørensen 2 , Rogelio Nogales 1 , Laura Delgado-Moreno 1 , Esperanza Romero 1

This study describes a new bioaugmentation alternative based on the application of aqueous aerated extracts from a biomixture acclimated with ibuprofen, diclofenac and triclosan. This bioaugmentation strategy was assayed in biopurification systems (BPS) and in contaminated aqueous solutions to accelerate the removal of these emerging contaminants. Sterilized extracts or extracts from the initial uncontaminated biomixture were used as controls. In BPS, the dissipation of 90% of diclofenac and triclosan required, respectively, 60 and 108 days less than in the controls. The metabolite methyl-triclosan was determined at levels 12 times lower than in controls. In the bioaugmented solutions, ibuprofen was almost completely eliminated (99%) in 21 days and its hydroxylated metabolites were also determined to be at lower levels than in the controls. The plasmidome of acclimated biomixtures and its extract appeared to maintain certain types of plasmids but degradation related genes became less evident. Several dominant OTUs found in the extract identified as Flavobacterium and Fluviicola of the phylum Bacteroidetes, Thermomicrobia (phylum Chloroflexi) and Nonomuraea (phylum Actinobacteria), may be responsible for the enhanced dissipation of these contaminants. This bioaugmentation strategy represents an advantageous tool to facilitate in situ bioaugmentation.



本研究描述了一种新的生物强化替代方案,该替代方案基于应用布洛芬、双氯芬酸和三氯生适应的生物混合物中的水性充气提取物。这种生物强化策略在生物纯化系统 (BPS) 和受污染的水溶液中进行了分析,以加速这些新兴污染物的去除。无菌提取物或来自最初未受污染的生物混合物的提取物用作对照。在 BPS 中,90% 的双氯芬酸和三氯生的消散所需的时间分别比对照组少 60 天和 108 天。代谢物甲基三氯生的测定水平比对照组低 12 倍。在生物增强溶液中,布洛芬在 21 天内几乎完全消除 (99%),并且其羟基化代谢物的水平也被确定为低于对照组。驯化的生物混合物及其提取物的质粒组似乎保留了某些类型的质粒,但与降解相关的基因变得不那么明显。在提取物中发现的几个主要 OTU 被确定为拟杆菌、热微生物菌门(Chloroflexi 门)和 Nonomuraea(放线菌门)的黄杆菌和Fluviicola可能这些污染物增强消散的原因。这种生物强化策略代表了促进原位生物强化的有利工具。
