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The Diversity of Eucheumatoid Seaweed Cultivars in the Philippines
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-12 , DOI: 10.1080/23308249.2022.2060038
Richard V. Dumilag 1 , Bea A. Crisostomo 2 , Zae-Zae A. Aguinaldo 2 , Lourie Ann R. Hinaloc 2 , Lawrence M. Liao 3 , Hilly Ann Roa-Quiaoit 4 , Floredel Dangan-Galon 5 , Giuseppe C. Zuccarello 6 , Marie-Laure Guillemin 7, 8 , Juliet Brodie 9 , Elizabeth J. Cottier-Cook 10 , Michael Y. Roleda 2


Collectively known as eucheumatoids, Eucheuma denticulatum, Kappaphycus alvarezii, K. malesianus, and K. striatus are the main farmed seaweed species in the Philippines. The success of seaweed farming for over five decades in the country is due, in part, to the high diversity of cultivars maintained by the Filipino farmers. Notwithstanding the fact that many eucheumatoid cultivars are presently (and consistently) recognized by the Filipino farmers, there has been no attempt to summarize the current state of the local traditional knowledge about the diversity of this seaweed group, especially with reference to the taxonomy, cultivar designation and distribution. Factors based on present day local knowledge on the eucheumatoid cultivars and what is known on genetic identification in the Philippines were also discussed. A total of 66 cultivars recognized across 58 provinces in the Philippines were documented. Most of these cultivars were morphologically identified as either K. alvarezii or K. striatus, however, the majority were yet to be genetically identified. In part, due to higher demand of kappa-carrageenan extract as compared from the iota type, K. alvarezii and K. striatus were widely cultivated in the Philippines than that of E. denticulatum. Only in the southern Philippines that K. malesianus is currently cultivated. The diverse cultivars identified in this study suggest that the Filipino farmers possess important traditional knowledge that can be useful for future crop selection and breeding.


菲律宾 Eucheumatoid 海藻品种的多样性


统称为 eucheumatoids、Eucheuma denticulatumKappaphycus alvareziiK. malesianusK. striatus是菲律宾主要的养殖海藻品种。该国 5 多年来海藻养殖的成功部分归功于菲律宾农民保持的高度多样化的品种。尽管菲律宾农民目前(并一贯)认可许多真枝藻栽培品种,但并未尝试总结当地关于该海藻类群多样性的传统知识的现状,尤其是在分类学、栽培品种方面指定和分发。还讨论了基于目前当地关于真风湿品种的知识和菲律宾遗传鉴定的已知因素。共记录了菲律宾 58 个省份认可的 66 个品种。然而, K. alvareziiK. striatus中的大多数尚未进行基因鉴定。在某种程度上,由于与 iota 类型相比,kappa-角叉菜胶提取物的需求量更高,因此在菲律宾广泛种植了K. alvareziiK. striatus,而不是E. denticulatum。目前仅在菲律宾南部种植K. malesianus 。本研究中发现的多样化品种表明,菲律宾农民拥有重要的传统知识,可用于未来的作物选择和育种。
