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Lattice-Confined Single-Atom Fe1Sx on Mesoporous TiO2 for Boosting Ambient Electrocatalytic N2 Reduction Reaction
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-12 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202203022
Jiayin Chen 1 , Yikun Kang 1 , Wei Zhang 1, 2 , Zhenghao Zhang 1 , Yan Chen 1 , Yi Yang 1 , Linlin Duan 1 , Yefei Li 1 , Wei Li 1

S-coordinated Fe single-atom catalysts on mesoporous TiO2 have been constructed by a universal lattice-confined strategy. This catalyst shows a unique nanoconfinement effect for the mass transfer and maximizes the active sites to mimic nitrogenase for ambient electrocatalytic N2 reduction reaction.


介孔 TiO2 上的晶格约束单原子 Fe1Sx 促进环境电催化 N2 还原反应

介孔 TiO 2上的 S 配位 Fe 单原子催化剂是通过通用的晶格限制策略构建的。该催化剂对传质表现出独特的纳米限制效应,并最大化活性位点以模拟用于环境电催化 N 2还原反应的固氮酶。