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The impact of water, BTEX compounds and ethylene glycol on the performance of perfluoro(butenyl vinyl ether) based membranes for CO2 capture from natural gas
Journal of Membrane Science ( IF 8.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2022.120557
Moataz Ali El-Okazy 1, 2 , Liang Liu 1, 3 , Yuecheng Zhang 1 , Sandra E. Kentish 1

Glassy perfluoropolymers offer a remarkable resistance towards many species that can alter the separation performance of conventional polymeric membranes. In this study, the performance of Cytop® and CyclAFlor™ random copolymers of perfluoro(butenyl vinyl ether) (PBVE) and perfluoro(2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxole) (PDD) are studied for the first time for carbon dioxide capture in the presence of impurities that are common in raw natural gas. Water vapor sorption isotherms were S-shaped for both polymers, indicating the formation of water clusters. The water permeability decreased with vapor activity in both perfluoropolymers as the formation of these clusters decreased water diffusivity. The presence of the water clusters, however, had no impact on the performance of Cytop® and poly(50%PBVE-co-50%PDD) for CO2/CH4 separation. Typical concave sorption isotherms were obtained for toluene and xylene in poly(50%PBVE-co-50%PDD), while convex isotherms were observed in Cytop®. It was speculated that this change in isotherm shape may have been due to the small number of larger free volume elements within Cytop®, as observed in x-ray diffraction analysis. Neither toluene nor xylene had a significant impact on CO2 and CH4 permeabilities in Cytop®, while a gradual decrease in both permeabilities was noted for poly(50%PBVE-co-50%PDD) as the vapor activity increased, due to either competitive sorption or pore blocking. Finally, liquid glycol carryover caused no change on the performance of Cytop® membranes, while a slight drop in the CO2/CH4 separation factor for poly(50%PBVE-co-50%PDD) was observed.


水、BTEX 化合物和乙二醇对全氟(丁烯基乙烯基醚)膜从天然气中捕获 CO2 性能的影响

玻璃状全氟聚合物对许多可以改变传统聚合物膜分离性能的物质具有显着的抵抗力。在这项研究中,首次研究了 Cytop® 和 CyclAFlor™ 全氟(丁烯基乙烯基醚)(PBVE)和全氟(2,2-二甲基-1,3-二氧戊环)(PDD)无规共聚物对碳的性能。在存在未加工天然气中常见的杂质的情况下捕获二氧化硫。两种聚合物的水蒸气吸附等温线均为 S 形,表明形成了水簇。由于这些簇的形成降低了水的扩散性,两种全氟聚合物中的水渗透性随着蒸气活性而降低。然而,水簇的存在对 Cytop® 和聚 (50%PBVE-co-50%PDD) 对 CO 2 /CH的性能没有影响4分离。甲苯和二甲苯在聚 (50%PBVE-co-50%PDD) 中获得了典型的凹吸附等温线,而在 Cytop® 中观察到凸吸附等温线。据推测,这种等温线形状的变化可能是由于 Cytop® 中较大的自由体积元素数量较少,正如在 X 射线衍射分析中观察到的那样。甲苯和二甲苯对 Cytop® 中的 CO 2和 CH 4渗透率都没有显着影响,而聚 (50%PBVE-co-50%PDD) 的渗透率随着蒸气活性的增加而逐渐降低,这是由于竞争吸附或孔阻塞。最后,液态乙二醇残留对 Cytop® 膜的性能没有影响,而 CO 2 /CH 4略有下降观察到聚(50%PBVE-co-50%PDD)的分离因子。
